
News ID: 25304
Publish Date : 06 April 2016 - 21:05

Press Digest


HEMAYAT: Sending the Syrian refugees back to where they came from, paying the Turkish government extortion money to keep them in inhuman conditions, and turning a blind eye to Turkey’s own human rights violations is wrought with moral and legal flaws. Even so, it will not resolve the EU’s refugee crisis, and certainly it will not end the violence in Syria.


ETTELA’AT: The illegal war on Iraq was a lie. There were no biological or nuclear weapons. Iraq was not an important sponsor of Takfiri and Salafi terrorism. This was all fueled by America’s own allies, mainly Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, and Qatar. The U.S.-led invasion turned Iraq into precisely the sort of failed-state sectarian war zone that the regime changers wanted to be.  


MIZAN: In places like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and occupied Palestine, there can be no democracy and peace without political development, no political development without peace, and no lasting freedom without justice, inclusion, equality, and respect for human rights. By refusing to prevent injustice, and by selling its deadly weapons to these regimes, the west is diminishing and threatening the rights of every pro-democracy protester.


JOMHOURI ESLAMI: Europe may be quailing at the number of refugees trying to get in, but it is as nothing compared to the numbers that Syria’s neighbors have been dealing with for years. Just like the EU which claims can no longer accommodate more refugees, the people of Syria can no longer cope with the unthinkable and tragic choices they have to make either. The only way to end Europe’s refugee crisis is to end the war on Syria.