
News ID: 129749
Publish Date : 26 July 2024 - 22:56

Calls Grow on Olympic Committee to Bar Israel From Paris 2024

PARIS (Dispatches) – Palestinian Olympic Committee President Jibril Rajoub has called on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to bar the Zionist regime from participating in the Paris 2024 Olympics to make the world aware of the atrocities committed in Gaza. 
Speaking at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, Rajoub compared the occupying regime’s atrocities to those of apartheid-era South Africa, which was banned from the Olympics from 1964 to 1988.
According to Anadolu, Rajoub asserted that Israel’s Olympic Committee has forfeited its right to participate in international sporting events, referencing the IOC’s 1970 decision to expel the South African National Olympic Committee (NOC).
He highlighted a letter he wrote to the IOC last week, requesting Israel’s exclusion from the Olympics due to Zionist troops’ bombardment of Gaza, which has resulted in over 40,000 Palestinian deaths, mostly women and children, since Oct. 7.
“We want the world to realize the crimes of the fascists, racists, and Nazi occupiers against the Palestinian people,” Rajoub said, urging the IOC to reconsider its stance.
Pro-peace Olympic teams at the Olympic Games show solidarity with Palestinians trapped under Israeli fire in the war-torn Gaza Strip.
On Wednesday, during the Israeli-Mali football match, pro-peace demonstrators booed the Zionists’ team to protest the months-long Israeli genocidal war on Palestinian people, mostly women and children, trapped in the besieged Gaza Strip without water, food and medicine.
Pro-Palestinians also demonstrated Palestine flags during the event.
Pro-Palestinians are in discussion for massive action and demonstrations to be held during events over the next three weeks till the ending of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games on August 11. “The dissent will only grow during the Games.”
However, French authorities warn security will be tight with 45,000 police and gendarmes deployed, in addition to 2,000 Games’ guards. 
Meanwhile, experts say a “show of solidarity” with Palestinians by the athletes could be flying the Palestinian flag, or writing anti-Israeli messages on their sports attire.
Since the Israel war machine launched its war on October 7, 2023, the regime has faced widespread international condemnation for its ongoing genocidal campaign in Gaza.