The Grand Eid of Perfection of Faith
By: Seyyed Ali Shahbaz
"Today the faithless have despaired of your religion. So do not fear them, but fear Me. Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed My blessing upon you, and I have approved Islam as your religion.” (Holy Qur’an 5:3)
According to all reliable exegetes of the holy Qur’an, the above ayah was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) in the afternoon of the 18th of Zil-Hijja, 10 AH, at the Ghadeer (pond) of Khom near Juhfa, where earlier in the day, on an express commandment of God (5:67) he had halted his huge pilgrim caravan, while returning from Mecca after performing his Farewell Hajj; and then called all those who lagged behind and all those who went ahead, to immediately assemble at this place for hearing the most important proclamation of his 23-year mission.
What was that proclamation and why was it so urgent in this wilderness from where the routes parted for travelers going in different destinations of the Arabian Peninsula?
As recorded in the books of hadith of all denominations of Islam, the Prophet after ascending a makeshift pulpit of camel saddles, delivered a moving sermon, summing up his selfless services. Similar to the wording of his sermon delivered from atop Jabal ar-Rahma (Mount Mercy) in Arafa nine days ago, the Seal of Messengers again emphasized adherence to the Thaqalayn (Two Invaluable Things – the holy Qur’an and his progeny the Ahl al-Bayt) that he was leaving behind in this world so that Muslims won’t go astray.
Then, after receiving a vociferous affirmative answer to his question whether he was superior to them than their own selves, the Prophet lifted the hand of his dear ward, cousin, and son-in-law, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS), to proclaim:
"Man kunto Mowla fa hadha Aliyun Mowla (For whomsoever I am Master this Ali is his Master.)”
These words and this particular event have been mentioned as Hadith Tawatir (frequently cited narration from different source) in all early compilations of hadith and history of our Sunni brethren, although later scholars, especially the self-styled modernists, harping on the so-called ‘democratic spirit’ of the ancient Arabs for selection, election and nomination of candidates, rather than the binding commandments of God Almighty that it is He Who sends Prophets and determines their Legatees (aswsia), have either ignored the event of Ghadeer or tried to deny it as innovation by Shi’ite Muslims.
And even those who admit that the event of Ghadeer did take place, have tried to dispute the meaning of the word "Mowla” (because of sectarian bigotry, oblivious of the fate that awaits us in afterlife),claiming that the Prophet meant friendship for Ali, whom all Muslims hold dear, and not his leadership of the ummah.
Such thoughts and ideas are nothing but self-deception, since a Muslim is the one who completely submits himself/herself to the Will of the Almighty Creator without being a dissenter in matters of faith and acts of worship, as Iblis the Outcast was, when he disobeyed God’s commandment to prostrate to Adam.
It is thus blasphemy to believe that God has left the Muslims in the dark to choose whoever they like from among themselves for leading the community and in implementing divine laws for which the Seal of Messengers had toiled and suffered hardships for over two decades, as the Inheritor of the pains and labours of all those 123,999 Prophets that had preceded him and often seen their efforts gone to wind, because of the imposters who hijacked their missions after them to create cults, creeds and sects in their name.
The irrefutable proofs in this regard are Judaism, Christianity and a host of other religions, which are definitely not what Moses, Jesus and the other Prophets had preached. Moreover, the fact cannot be denied that unlike, the spotlessly pure personalities of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) and Imam Ali (AS), the Sahaba or companions, before becoming Muslims were polytheists or atheists, who indulged in all sorts of cardinal sins, and whose flesh and blood was formed through illicit carnal desires and by forbidden food, or food and drinks procured through unlawful means.
Indeed, God is All-Forgiving, and definitely Islam elevated their positions and saved them from hellfire, provided their faith was sincere, but can such persons be considered the successors of the Prophet and his mission?
The answer is a big NO. And here it is that Ghadeer invites us to ponder on the divine principle of Wilayah, whose embodiment is Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS) who since childhood was personally groomed by the Prophet himself.
Through thick and thin, during peace or war, whether on the crucial Night of Hijra when assassins with swords unsheathed hovered around the Abode of Divine Revelation or whether at the field of Mubahela with the Christians of Najran, the Imam always stood steadfast beside the Prophet.
Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) in turn, never missed an occasion to emphasize the unrivalled merits, knowledge, valour, justice, piety, etc., of his Infallible Cousin, from the first public proclamation of his mission, when as per God’s Will he declared the pre-teen lad as "my legatee (wasi) and heir (khalifa), till the last day of his life when his request for paper and pen was denied by a group of rebellious companions who feared that he will definitely make a written will in favour of Imam Ali (AS).
Thus the Day of Ghadeer (18 Zil-Hijja 10 AH), and God’s commandment to the Prophet to publicly proclaim Imam Ali (AS) as his vicegerent, followed by the prompt revelation from the ethereal heavens of the ayah confirming perfection of faith, completion of divine favours, decreeing of Islam as the universal religion of mankind, and the frustration of all disbelievers, is without the least doubt the greatest Eid of all true believers.
Heartiest Congratulations on the Grand Eid of Ghadeer
"Today the faithless have despaired of your religion. So do not fear them, but fear Me. Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed My blessing upon you, and I have approved Islam as your religion.” (Holy Qur’an 5:3)
According to all reliable exegetes of the holy Qur’an, the above ayah was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) in the afternoon of the 18th of Zil-Hijja, 10 AH, at the Ghadeer (pond) of Khom near Juhfa, where earlier in the day, on an express commandment of God (5:67) he had halted his huge pilgrim caravan, while returning from Mecca after performing his Farewell Hajj; and then called all those who lagged behind and all those who went ahead, to immediately assemble at this place for hearing the most important proclamation of his 23-year mission.
What was that proclamation and why was it so urgent in this wilderness from where the routes parted for travelers going in different destinations of the Arabian Peninsula?
As recorded in the books of hadith of all denominations of Islam, the Prophet after ascending a makeshift pulpit of camel saddles, delivered a moving sermon, summing up his selfless services. Similar to the wording of his sermon delivered from atop Jabal ar-Rahma (Mount Mercy) in Arafa nine days ago, the Seal of Messengers again emphasized adherence to the Thaqalayn (Two Invaluable Things – the holy Qur’an and his progeny the Ahl al-Bayt) that he was leaving behind in this world so that Muslims won’t go astray.
Then, after receiving a vociferous affirmative answer to his question whether he was superior to them than their own selves, the Prophet lifted the hand of his dear ward, cousin, and son-in-law, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS), to proclaim:
"Man kunto Mowla fa hadha Aliyun Mowla (For whomsoever I am Master this Ali is his Master.)”
These words and this particular event have been mentioned as Hadith Tawatir (frequently cited narration from different source) in all early compilations of hadith and history of our Sunni brethren, although later scholars, especially the self-styled modernists, harping on the so-called ‘democratic spirit’ of the ancient Arabs for selection, election and nomination of candidates, rather than the binding commandments of God Almighty that it is He Who sends Prophets and determines their Legatees (aswsia), have either ignored the event of Ghadeer or tried to deny it as innovation by Shi’ite Muslims.
And even those who admit that the event of Ghadeer did take place, have tried to dispute the meaning of the word "Mowla” (because of sectarian bigotry, oblivious of the fate that awaits us in afterlife),claiming that the Prophet meant friendship for Ali, whom all Muslims hold dear, and not his leadership of the ummah.
Such thoughts and ideas are nothing but self-deception, since a Muslim is the one who completely submits himself/herself to the Will of the Almighty Creator without being a dissenter in matters of faith and acts of worship, as Iblis the Outcast was, when he disobeyed God’s commandment to prostrate to Adam.
It is thus blasphemy to believe that God has left the Muslims in the dark to choose whoever they like from among themselves for leading the community and in implementing divine laws for which the Seal of Messengers had toiled and suffered hardships for over two decades, as the Inheritor of the pains and labours of all those 123,999 Prophets that had preceded him and often seen their efforts gone to wind, because of the imposters who hijacked their missions after them to create cults, creeds and sects in their name.
The irrefutable proofs in this regard are Judaism, Christianity and a host of other religions, which are definitely not what Moses, Jesus and the other Prophets had preached. Moreover, the fact cannot be denied that unlike, the spotlessly pure personalities of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) and Imam Ali (AS), the Sahaba or companions, before becoming Muslims were polytheists or atheists, who indulged in all sorts of cardinal sins, and whose flesh and blood was formed through illicit carnal desires and by forbidden food, or food and drinks procured through unlawful means.
Indeed, God is All-Forgiving, and definitely Islam elevated their positions and saved them from hellfire, provided their faith was sincere, but can such persons be considered the successors of the Prophet and his mission?
The answer is a big NO. And here it is that Ghadeer invites us to ponder on the divine principle of Wilayah, whose embodiment is Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS) who since childhood was personally groomed by the Prophet himself.
Through thick and thin, during peace or war, whether on the crucial Night of Hijra when assassins with swords unsheathed hovered around the Abode of Divine Revelation or whether at the field of Mubahela with the Christians of Najran, the Imam always stood steadfast beside the Prophet.
Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) in turn, never missed an occasion to emphasize the unrivalled merits, knowledge, valour, justice, piety, etc., of his Infallible Cousin, from the first public proclamation of his mission, when as per God’s Will he declared the pre-teen lad as "my legatee (wasi) and heir (khalifa), till the last day of his life when his request for paper and pen was denied by a group of rebellious companions who feared that he will definitely make a written will in favour of Imam Ali (AS).
Thus the Day of Ghadeer (18 Zil-Hijja 10 AH), and God’s commandment to the Prophet to publicly proclaim Imam Ali (AS) as his vicegerent, followed by the prompt revelation from the ethereal heavens of the ayah confirming perfection of faith, completion of divine favours, decreeing of Islam as the universal religion of mankind, and the frustration of all disbelievers, is without the least doubt the greatest Eid of all true believers.
Heartiest Congratulations on the Grand Eid of Ghadeer