US, Zionists Behind Takfiri Bloodbath of Syria’s Alawites
By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
The bloodbath of the Alawites by the takfiri terrorist regime in control of Damascus may have ended for the moment, but there is no guarantee this could not resume on a greater scale in the near future.
The ghastly scenes of over a thousand men, women, and children dragged from their homes and massacred in cold blood in the course of a few days have shocked the civilized world.
The illegal Zionist entity, however, is overjoyed. For over a decade it had funded and armed the takfiris of Syria, and used to treat their wounded in its hospitals in the past.
Latakia and Tartus, over three hundred kilometers from Damascus, now lie desolate and under siege of the macabrely murderous terrorists, with scarcity of food and medicine.
The UN watches in silence under US orders, since the Alawites who make up around 20 percent of the Syrian population were staunch supporters of the late President Hafez al-Assad and his son Bashar al-Assad for over a half century.
Bashar’s unceremonious exit from Syria has destabilized the country and provided the Israeli, the Americans, and certain Arab and other reactionary regimes to rally to the support of the terrorist clique in control of Damascus.
The bid is to try to break Syria on ethnic and sectarian lines, so that it will never again become a powerful nation opposed to Zionist crimes in Palestine and the region.
The people of Syria, whatever their religious affiliations, whether Sunni, Shi’a, Alawite, Druze, Christians, and even the ethnic Kurds and Turkomans, do not want the country to be fragmented.
They are determined to oppose the regime in Damascus and its backers. This is the reason the self-styled president Ahmad ash-Sharaa, who for years was a notorious terrorist under the assumed named of al-Julani, is now over eager to serve the Zionists and American interests.
Yet, both the US and Israel, which have removed the multimillion dollar reward on his head, seem greedy for a larger share of the Syria pie, and have ordered him to target the Alawites, and that too in the holy month of Ramadhan.av
He has obliged and his anti-Islamic hordes might commit further cruelties in the hope that Washington and Tel Aviv will not kick him and his clique out one day.
Whatever the game of the Americans and the Zionists, the sufferers are the Muslims of Syria.
In view of this human tragedy, it is the responsibility of the Islamic world to close ranks and help them, for the sake of God Almighty and the sanctity of the blessed month of Ramadhan.