
News ID: 132002
Publish Date : 02 October 2024 - 22:11

Zionists Destined to Doom in Lebanon

By: Kayhan International

A large number of Zionist terrorists dispatched to the bowels of hell in southern Lebanon – 14 so far according to the admission of the enemy attempting to deflate casualties to prevent demoralizing in its ranks – once again proves that mercenaries, however, numerical and powerful, are no match for even a small force of patriots defending their homeland and faith.
Hezbollah, as the name suggests, is indeed a God-oriented party famed for its anti-terrorist nature and drawing inspiration from the Holy Qur’an for success and victory.
Made up of the sons of the soil of Lebanon to provide welfare services to all strata of society – Shi’a and Sunni Muslims, Maronite and other Christian sects, as well as Druzes – it is based on the humanitarian values of Islam and endowed with the iron-resolve to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.
Thus, Hezbollah actively participates in the civic and political affairs at the highest levels, running an extensive social service network, in addition to a well-equipped paramilitary force in order to protect the dignity and liberty of the people against terrorists of every hue and colour, including the Zionist occupiers of neighbouring Palestine, Arab reactionaries, European neo-colonists, and the US hegemon.
These ethereal values enabled it drive out the Israeli encroachers from southern Lebanon, shatter the myth of their invincibility during the 33-day war (2006), prevent the disintegration of Syria in the face of an intricate Zionist-Arab-Turkish-US plot through the macabrely murderous takfiri terrorists, and now rally with rocket fire to the defence of the holocaust-ridden people of Gaza.
These humanitarian efforts of the Hezbollah to end the genocide of the Palestinians through decisive military measures against the Zionist terrorists have angered super-terrorist, the US, and made it order usurper Israel to launch a massive massacre of the Lebanese people that led to the martyrdom of its redoubtable Secretary-General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah.
The devils in Tel Aviv and the satans in Washington think they can destroy the Party of God through indiscriminate slaughter of the Lebanese people and destruction of their towns, when their use of the most lethal US weapons over the past year has not helped the Zionists to take complete control of the small Gaza strip. 
This is further confirmation of the fact that patriotic volunteers defending their faith, homeland and freedom, make the most reliable soldiers worth ten soldiers who are fighting for a paycheck.
In modern times, we have seen the victory of the weak over the powerful – in Vietnam against the US superpower and in Afghanistan against the Soviet superpower.
In other words, economic, numerical and armament superiority never ensures victory for the aggressor when faced by determined defenders inspired by humanitarian values.
Glory to the souls of martyrs, especially Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, for molding Hezbollah into a well-organized and indomitable force with the resolve to remove the cobweb called Israel from Palestine.