
News ID: 131912
Publish Date : 30 September 2024 - 22:46

Seyyed Nasrallah More Powerful in Martyrdom

By: Kayhan International 
Even in death, with his body intact without the slightest wound, the cheerful but lifeless face of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah sports a smile deriding the idiocy of his cowardly murderers whose terrorism instead of destroying the anti-terrorist movement, the Hezbollah, granted him immortal martyrdom for the grand campaign ahead to wipe out the cobweb called Israel.
The Zionist entity is now all set on a course of self-destruction and in a vain bid to try to avert the inevitable it is indulging in the most sordid crimes against the Lebanese, Palestinian, Yemeni, and Syrian people.
War criminal Benjamin Netanyahu will soon meet his ignominious end. There is no escape for him from the eternal inferno. He knows the Iranian people are vanguards of liberation as is evident from the spirit of resistance they have instilled in the freedom loving masses all over the world.
He is living in a fool’s paradise if he thinks his constant threats and turning them into any aerial raid against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Islamic Republic will ever scare them from their avowed goals. 
It is nothing but self-deceit for ‘Satanyahu’ to try to mislead the Iranian people and make them or drive a wedge between them and their popular system of religious governance.
As for the Zionist threats to invade Lebanon, the Hezbollah are ready to meet the dastardly Israeli soldiers in battle, and send them home in body bags.
Lebanon is much larger than Gaza and its resources inexhaustible, including means of defence at the disposal of Hezbollah, whose missiles are all set to shatter the so-called iron dome or the arrow and American-supplied patriot system.
In other words, the legions of Martyr Nasrallah have not lost any of their battle prowess that safeguards the integrity of Lebanon and in the recent past has saved Syria from disintegration.
If Seyyed Nasrallah was a thorn in the side of terrorists while alive, he is now more powerful in martyrdom, inspiring his followers to achieve new heights in the struggle against evil.
To sum up, we are all prepared for the final stage of the campaign to liberate Islam’s thirst hokiest site, the al-Aqsa Mosque, and along with all of Palestine.