
News ID: 126141
Publish Date : 12 April 2024 - 21:30
President Raisi’s Demand From Muslim Countries:

Cutting Economic Ties With Zionist Regime

TEHRAN -- Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has told his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Muslim countries, including Turkey, need to cut their economic relations with the Zionist regime to force an end to the Israeli aggression in Gaza.
Raisi reiterated in a phone conversation with Erdogan that cutting political and economic ties between Muslim countries and the Zionist regime is be the only effective way to stop Israeli crimes in Gaza.
The Turkish government announced this week that it would impose trade restrictions on Israel over the war in Gaza. 
The Iranian president said the United States and its allies as well as international organizations and human rights bodies have lost their reputation more than ever before by either supporting the Israeli regime in its war on Gaza or by failing to do anything to stop it.
He also called for the implementation of agreements reached during his trip to Turkey in late January.
Erdogan, for his part, said it is necessary that officials of Iran and Turkey work together to speed up the implementation of bilateral agreements.
He condemned an attack earlier this month by the Zionist regime on the Iranian consulate in Syria’s Damascus which led to the assassination of seven military advisors to Syria, including two senior generals.
The Turkish president said in the call that Israel has a criminal nature and its crimes in Gaza have caused the regime to become more hated and isolated in the world.
Raisi also reiterated a further consolidation of relations within the framework of cooperation among the Islamic countries to stop Israel’s savagery in the besieged Gaza Strip in a phone conversation with Iraqi counterpart Abdul Latif Rashid.
Raisi said the Tehran-Baghdad ties are based on vast cultural commonalities as well as deep historical roots. He expressed hope that the level of relations would be further improved in the current year “without the interference of ill-wishers.”
Rashid, for his part, described relations between Iran and Iraq as “strong and deep and in line with securing the mutual interests.”
“The Iraqi government also believes the two countries should try to strengthen the friendly relations regardless of the conspiracy of ill-wishers,” he said.
Raisi said the deep sorrow caused by the unprecedented crimes and atrocities of the Zionist regime against the Palestinians in Gaza is the most important common issue between Iran and Iraq as well as the Islamic world.
The Iranian president underscored the religious and human responsibility of all Muslims and free people of the world regarding an end to the crimes of Israel.
Referring to the fact that about six months have passed since the joint meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Arab League about the developments in Gaza, Raisi expressed disappointment with the effectiveness of all international assemblies and institutions, especially the United Nations and the Security Council.
The Iraqi president also expressed regret over the continuation of the crimes committed by the Zionist regime against the oppressed Palestinians of Gaza, as well as the ineffectiveness of measures to stop the occupying entity’s crimes through international organizations, including the United Nations Security Council.
“It is necessary for Islamic countries to look for an action plan to solve the Palestinian issue from the root and for this oppressed nation to achieve its rights.”
Separately, President Raisi said colonial powers are opposed to the enhancement of bilateral ties between his country and neighboring Pakistan, stressing that enemies are seeking to drive a wedge between the two Muslim nations.
“The development of Iran-Pakistan relations is not agreeable to colonial powers, and they are seeking to drive a wedge between the two Muslim countries,” he said in a telephone conversation with his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari.
Cooperation in the joint fight against terrorism should be enhanced, and enemies should not be given the chance to advance their agendas and disrupt friendship between Tehran and Islamabad, the Iranian president added.
He also lauded the faith and fervor of young Muslims in thwarting various plots such as those unleashed by the Daesh terrorist group. 
For his part, Zardari felicitated the Iranian government and nation on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, and denounced the Israeli airstrike on the consular section of the Iranian Embassy in the Syrian capital city of Damascus.
“The vast cultural and historical similarities between the two countries are a suitable ground for the expansion of cultural, commercial, economic relations and the exchange of diverse and numerous capacities between the two sides,” he said.
Zardari also echoed Raisi’s remarks that enemies are seeking to sour relations between Pakistan and Iran, calling for enhancement of bilateral relations and security cooperation in order to fight terrorism and prevent the menace from harming friendly ties between the two nations.
The Pakistani president said Muslim and independent countries should exert greater pressure on Israel to cease its crimes against oppressed Palestinians in Gaza.