Ghadeer, The Most Auspicious Eid of Islam
By: Seyyed Ali Shahbaz
“And amongst them We appointed Imams to guide (the people) by Our command, when they had been patient and had conviction in Our signs.” (Holy Qur’an 32:24)
We are on the eve of a very special day in the history of mankind. It is the day that determined the continuation of Divine Guidance for human societies till the end of the world.
It is the day of fulfillment of God’s Promise to Prophet Abraham (AS) on making him “Imam (Leader) of mankind” (Holy Qur’an 2:124) that the Divine Trust of Imamate will only be for the most pious persons and not for any unjust one who even for a moment had committed sin, deviated from the belief in monotheism, oppressed others and his own self through impolite behaviour, etc.
It is the anniversary of the auspicious 18th of Dhu’l-Hijjah the day on which in the year 10 AH, the Almighty’s Last and Greatest Messenger to mankind, while returning to Medina from his Farewell Hajj Pilgrimage, halted in his tracks beside the Pond (Ghadeer in Arabic) in the wilderness of Khom near Juhfa, as Archangel Gabriel descended with an express commandment from the Lord Most High.
“O Messenger! Proclaim what has been revealed to you from your Lord; and if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message, and Allah will protect you from the people; indeed Allah does not guide the faithless lot.” (Holy Qur’an 5:67)
As recorded in books of hadith and history by scholars of all denominations, Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) instructed those of the huge 120,000 strong caravan of pilgrims who had gone ahead to come back to this place and to call on all those who were trailing behind to hurry up for hearing the important announcement.
He then mounted a makeshift pulpit of camel saddles under the blazing midday sun to deliver a memorable sermon in which he reminded the neo Muslims – many of them recent converts from years of idolatry, ignorance and at times intransigent opposition to the message of Islam – of how diligently he had carried out over the past 23 years the mission entrusted to him by the One and Only God in the most adverse circumstances in the face of the plots and armed battles imposed upon him by the Arabs and the Israelites.
The huge gathering nodded in the affirmative. They had come from all corners of Arabia on learning that the “Mercy unto the creation”, who had knit fratricidal tribes into the monolithic Muslim Ummah was performing his last Hajj pilgrimage.
The “Seal of Prophets”, nine days earlier on the Day of Arafa in his sermon on the plain of Arafaat had told the masses of pilgrims of his imminent departure from the mortal world and bequeathed to them the formula of faith and unity in the form of the Hadith Thaqalayn:
“I am leaving behind among you the two priceless things (thaqalyan); the Book of Allah (the Holy Qur’an) and my progeny, the Ahl al-Bayt. Hold fast to them and you will never go astray.”
Here at Ghadeer-Khom, he enlightened the masses on the urgent command he has just received from the celestial heavens and what it pertains to, with clear instructions to the huge gathering to convey this message to those not present and to pass it on to sons and descendants.
As people listened with rapt attention and testified that the Prophet was superior to the rest of mankind than their own selves, he said:
“O people! I have not committed any shortcoming in conveying what Allah Almighty revealed to me, and I am now going to explain to you the reason behind revelation of this Ayah: Three times did Gabriel command me on behalf of my Lord, the Source of all peace, to inform everyone, black and white, that: ‘ Ali ibn Abi Talib is my Brother, my Wasi (Testamentary Legatee) and Caliph over my Ummah and the Imam after me. He is the one whose status to me is like that of Aaron to Moses except there will be no prophet after me, and he is your master next only to Allah and to His Messenger. Allah has already revealed to me the same in one of the fixed Ayahs of His Book, saying:
“Your Master is Allah and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay zakat even as they bow down” (Holy Qur’an, 5:55),
“O people! Comprehend what I have just said, and again do comprehend it, and be (further) informed that Allah has designated (Ali) as your Master and Imam, obligating the Muhajirun and the Ansar and those who follow them in goodness, to obey him. So must (obey) everyone who lives in the desert or in the city, who is a non-Arab or an Arab, who is a free man or a slave, who is young or old, white or black...”
To be brief, the Prophet then raised the hand of Imam Ali (AS) and expressed those immortal words: “Man kunto Mowlahu wa hadha Aliyun Mowlah” (For whomsoever I am Master this Ali is his Master.
The Prophet then took oaths of allegiance to the Imam from the huge gathering which had to stay three days at Ghadeer-Khom to complete the formalities of Ba’yat. He also instructed the Muslims to address Imam Ali (AS) from now on as “Amir al-Momineen” (Commander of the Faithful).
The Almighty then revealed to the Prophet the Ayah confirming perfection of faith, completion of Divine favours, and decreeing of Islam as the religion of all mankind. (Holy Qur’an 5:3)
Thus, the anniversary of the Day of Ghadeer, according to the Prophet’s 6th Infallible Heir, Imam Ja’far as-Sadeq (AS), is the Greatest Eid in Islam, more significant than Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, because on this day was determined the continuation of Divine guidance for humanity, which has withstood the test of time despite the devilish plot of the Saqifa Bani Sa’da and usurpation of the political leadership of Muslims by imposters.
As all denominations of Islam agree, the Prophet’s Last Successor, Imam Mahdi (AS), who will reappear in the end times to establish the global government of peace, prosperity and justice, is not the offspring of any Zaid, Bakr, Amr of Arabia, but the direct descendant of Imam Ali (AS) and thus the Heir of Ghadeer.
I end this column with a passage from the special supplication for this day which the faithful recite:
“We stand up for and comply with Allah’s command, and follow the example of the Messenger in the matter of affection and friendship for our “Mowla” and “Mowla” of the believers, the Commander of the Faithful, Ali ibn Abi Talib, the servant of Allah, the Brother of His Messenger, the Renowned Truthful, the Decisive Argumentation over mankind, through whom the Almighty helped and supported His Prophet and His manifest true religion...”
The event of Ghadeer is thus a source of unity for the Islamic Ummah.