
News ID: 95060
Publish Date : 01 October 2021 - 21:55

Iran’s Right to Retaliate Against Terrorists/Zionists Across Borders



By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer

There is something real amiss these days in the southern Caucasus, especially in what is now called the Republic of Azerbaijan that came into existence in 1991 after the Soviet collapse as a dubious product of the Russian occupation of large areas of northwestern Iran following Czarist-Qajarid wars and the one-sided Golestan and Turkmenchai Accords imposed on a weak Tehran in 1813 and 1828.
The ambiguous clauses – more or less similar to the 2015 Geneva Accord that reduced Iran’s right to enrich uranium for peaceful purpose from 20 percent purity to a mere 3.67, closed down some nuclear installations, and gave the US president the right to approve or disapprove the Joint Plan Of Action (JCPOA) every three months – have proved so detrimental to Iran that despite the exit of the Russians, the southern Caucasus which for millenniums was an integral part of Iran, has never returned to the motherland.
Now the despicable Zionists, the occupiers of Palestine since 1948, are trying to fan the flames of sedition in the Caucasus, and the latest act of terrorism was the attack on Thursday night by their agents on the Iranian embassy in Baku.
Tehran has duly demanded the full interrogation of these terrorists – four of whom have reportedly been arrested – and unmasking of the elements behind them. It is hoped Baku will take the necessary action and clear all areas from the undesirable presence of the Israelis and the Takfiris.
Iran, which has never invaded any land since Nader Shah’s incursion into India in 1739 and that too in pursuit of the fleeing Ghilzai rebels who had occupied Isfahan and unleashed death and destruction on Iran for several years, has followed a policy of peaceful existence with all neighbours, especially after the triumph of the Islamic Revolution that cast into the dustbin of history the British-installed and American-backed Pahlavi regime.
The Islamic Republic system of government, which is based on the holy Qur’an, not only has the grassroots support of the Iranian people, but is viewed as a model of emulation for the campaign against injustice, misrule, occupation, terrorism and foreign hegemony, by the Muslim masses of the whole region, as is evident by its popularity – e.g. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Bahrain, Afghanistan, West Africa, and the Republic of Azerbaijan.
That is the reason the archenemies of Islam and Muslims, that is, the US and Israel, along with their local agents, are trying to destabilize these countries, but will never succeed, since the people of these lands regard the Iranians as their brethren.
They know that the Islamic Republic of Iran stands for justice, peace, stability, freedom, and independence, and will never allow the hegemons, the terrorists, and the Zionists to infiltrate the region.
In view of these undeniable facts, Tehran has served notice to certain erring neighbours who under pressure from the Great Satan have allowed the Zionists and terrorists to enter the lands under their control, near to the borders of Iran, that the friendly and fraternal Islamic Republic reserves the right to take due action if they fail to kick out the mischievous infiltrators – the terrorists and the Zionists.
One last word of advice for all: If throughout the three centuries of warfare (from Chaldiran in 1514 to the Treaty of Erzerum in 1823), the Ottomans had never succeeded in seizing the southeastern Caucasus (Erevan and Baku included), do their successors think they can deceive the proud Azeri Muslims on both sides o the River Aras, to turn their backs on motherland Iran and put their neck under the neo-Ottoman yoke?