
News ID: 5375
Publish Date : 21 September 2014 - 21:25

50,000 People Evacuated as Flooding Hits Pakistan

ISLAMABAD (FNA) – Pakistan's disaster management agency said that rescuers with boats and helicopters had evacuated about 50,000 people from the country's south after raging floods inundated more villages there.
"About two dozen people were killed in the past 24 hours in the Eastern Punjab province, raising the death toll from rains and flooding to 346," Pakistan's National Disaster Management Agency said in a statement, CTV reported.
"Flood waters wreaked havoc in Punjab province and were now passing through remote areas in the Southern Sindh province, but so far no deaths had been reported there. Pictures from Pakistani news channels showed submerged villages and people living in tents and in open areas," it added.
Medical staff in the flood-hit areas has so far treated more than 300,000 patients.