
News ID: 5366
Publish Date : 21 September 2014 - 20:54

Ministry: World in Need of Moderation

TEHRAN (IRNA) – Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said on Sunday that the modern world is in need of moderation and elimination of extremism more than any time.
She said the world felt the need more urgently at the present time when terrorist groups are routinely committing abhorrent crimes against humanity.
She noted that refraining from extremism and racism while adhering to moderation and respecting the rights of the nations are the main components of Iran's proposal to help materialize this year motto of the United Nations which is "Right of Peace for Nations".
She said that the Islamic Republic of Iran believes the United Nations General Assembly was the best chance to raise the issue of extremism and that the UN as the world's most important body would deal with the issue in the best possible manner thanks to many tools it possesses.
Afkham said that the Islamic Republic of Iran respected "the right of peace for all nations" as a major objective in the past three decades.
She said that the Islamic Republic of Iran supports the oppressed nations to honor their right for peace.