
News ID: 5360
Publish Date : 21 September 2014 - 20:52

Intl. Resistance Film Festival 2014 Kicks off in Iran

TEHRAN (Press TV) - The 13th edition of the International Resistance Film Festival (IRFF) has started its programs in the Iranian capital city of Tehran and a number of other cities in the country.
Many Iranian and international cineastes and documentarians have flocked to this year’s festival that opened, September 21.
This year’s festival is to present some 259 screen productions selected from among 2000 entries from different countries of the world.
Iran's International Resistance Film Festival presents those screen creations focused on the theme of ‘Sacred Defense.’
The Islamic Revolution and Sacred Defense Cinematic Community have held this year’s festival with special focus on "Resistance, Wisdom and Prosperity.”
The event is to be presented in the three sections of 'International Competition', 'Imad Moqniyeh Award' and the 'Outlook of Iran's Resistance Cinema in the World'.
While the festival aims at expanding the ‘Culture of Resistance’, it welcomes the works with focus on the resistance of Muslims and the oppressed worldwide.
The event will also host the films presenting 'A revealing image of the US and Zionism crimes in the world', 'Regional and worldwide spread of the Islamic Awakening', 'A world free of terrorism and nuclear weapons', 'The role of Zionism and Wahhabism in desecration of Muslim beliefs and Prophet.'
'Hollywood’s role in promotion of violence', 'Terrorism and sectarianism', 'The role of resistance in promotion of the culture of war, Influence of the Islamic Revolution in the world, Iran phobia and Islam phobia are also among the topics on which the participated films are required to focus.

The 2014 edition of the festival has added a new category titled ‘Takfiri Crimes’ into the year’s festival’s programs.
The new category focuses on the documentaries presenting the crimes of the Takfiri militants known as The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
The year’s special section is 'Imad Moqniyeh Award' with focus on terrorism and the crimes of Takfiri and Wahhabi groups.
A number of meetings and conferences are also programmed to be held on the sidelines of the event.
The International Resistance Film Festival is annually held on Iran’s Sacred Defense Week, from September 22 through 29.
The festival marks Iran’s Sacred Defense during the 1980-1988 Iraqi-imposed war, when Iranian soldiers fought against the executed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s forces and defended the Islamic Republic against enemy aggressions.
The 13th edition of the festival is scheduled to run until September 26, 2014.