
News ID: 40253
Publish Date : 05 June 2017 - 20:02

May’s Choice

 By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer

ISIL has claimed responsibility for the condemnable terror attack in London, although this has not been verified. In a statement published on Sunday, the terrorist group said a detachment of ISIL fighters executed Saturday’s London attack.
Strange enough, British Prime Minister Theresa May wasted no time after the attack in announcing that she will be pushing international agreements aimed at global regulation of speech on the Internet, claiming that extremists have been using "safe spaces online” in their terror attacks.
While this is being couched today as a reaction to the London terror attack, the reality is that a permanent war on Islam in general and on Syria in particular is a long-standing goal of the British and American governments, with the current policy vowing efforts to arm regional client states like Saudi Arabia, contain Iran, and maintain the status quo.
This is while PM May knows better than anyone else that if Western governments do not change course, more terrorism will occur. They need to change the policy and stop the evils of terrorism in Syria to feel safe at home.
Iran has been quick to resolutely condemn the London tragedy. It is clear that there is no reason for anyone, except the crazed Wahhabis and Salafists that are aided and abetted by Saudi Arabia, to gloat over such a senseless massacre, for the action of its perpetrators, far from being an expression of anti-imperialist defiance, merely serves to strengthen the imperialist agenda of repression at home and war abroad.
The British government, for example, having failed to win approval for all-out war against Syria in 2013, is bent upon using the attacks in London as a justification for resuscitating the debate and trying once more to gain parliamentary approval for the full-scale bombing of Syria. Meanwhile, preparations for the repression of all dissent and opposition to government policies are well advanced, and the latest terror attacks will certainly be used to further justify this assault on what remain of British civil liberties.
There will doubtless be further demonization of Muslims citizens and Syrian refugees, and yet more stoking of Islamophobia by opportunistic politicians and media in the wake of the London attacks – all in an attempt to weaken the anti-war movement by diverting attention away from the real enemies (the imperialist ruling class and Wahhabi Saudi allies) to imaginary enemies (Iran, Russia, Muslims, ethnic minorities and refugees).
In the prevailing environment, PM May has two options in respect of terrorism, either get out of the Middle East at any level other than that of non-military business deals or else join a meaningful international coalition against terrorism. She and other Western leaders need to swallow their pride and stand on the right side of history.
The anti-terrorist coalition of Iran, Syria, Russia and Hezbollah are standing on the right of side of history by proving that it is possible to beat Salafist-Wahhabi terrorism. Syria is not fully free yet, but the anti-terrorist coalition is objectively winning the war on many fronts – including in Iraq.
Western governments likewise should not pursue policies which put their citizens in danger whether it be arming terrorists or wasting domestic resources fighting "hate speech” online, when these resources should be used to fight terrorism and those that fund ISIL and Al-Qaeda.
London is burning and people are wondering why. Well, the reason London is burning is because Britain has done more than almost any other country besides the United States and France to set the Muslim world on fire.
The battle for Syria will be won on the ground and as per international law. The choice of the ally is therefore important. The allied forces of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Russia and Hezbollah have already proved themselves in Aleppo and Mosul. They also need support to push for a political solution to the Syrian crisis.
As long as the British and American governments believe they can regime change Syria militarily, they have no reason to negotiate with Damascus or join its alliance; and as long as their usefulness is tied to their perceived value as an anti-ISIL coalition, London and Washington will have little reason to eliminate ISIL. It is not possible to join the alliance without confronting ISIL. Without cooperation with Syria, Iran and Russia in the real War on Terror, diplomacy will be as futile as the Israeli-Palestinian "peace process”.