
News ID: 25305
Publish Date : 06 April 2016 - 21:05

America’s Shenanigans on Paper

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
Despite the "historic” nuclear deal, the United States government is deterring foreign banks from doing business with Iran, and it is official.
 On Tuesday, the State Department told the world community that they are very much barring Iran from accessing the U.S. dominated financial system. Undersecretary Thomas Shannon insisted that the "rumors” that Iran is free to make transactions in U.S. dollars with the elimination of the nuclear sanctions is not true, and that there are no plans to allow Iran to do so.
The White House also issued a statement the same day assuring Congress that they will not allow foreign banks to access the U.S. financial system related to facilitating any trade involving Iran.
This all amounts to an admission that the U.S. sanctions relief from the P5+1 deal was, as described by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, largely "on paper,” and that it is extremely disingenuous of the administration to deny any responsibility in Iran’s difficulty in conducting business transactions which are now perfectly legal under international law.
Meaning, Now we know what the deal is really about. It is about constraining Iran’s military capabilities, ultimately paving the way for military action. It is never about a thawing in relations between Tehran and Washington.
Despite the nuclear deal, the United States doesn’t want peace with Iran. It wants war. According to Defense Secretary Ash Carter, attacking Iran out of nowhere is one the best things about the nuclear deal. In his words, "One of the reasons this deal is a good one is that it does nothing to prevent the military option. The U.S. and Israel could agree to disagree about the merits of the plan, but that the planning for an aggressive war against Iran would continue.”
Some might say this is all about the Obama administration trying to appease a disgruntled Israel, and that the latest comments are designed to placate Prime Murderer Benjamin Netanyahu, whose objections seem to center around the pact getting in the way of his decades of agitating for war against Iran.
Regardless, the official comments from Washington does add to the Iranian and international mistrust of Washington in the wake of the nuclear deal, and whether they are going to renege on the pact or make the silly decision to launch a unilateral war out of nowhere for no reason at all.
This is while Iran has made it clear that it doesn’t welcome war, and according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, continues to commit itself to the nuclear deal. However, if that (the war) happens, it is the War Party that will be cutting and running with its tail between its legs. According to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the U.S. doesn’t have any chance of winning any war on Iran.