
News ID: 14545
Publish Date : 01 June 2015 - 21:49

U.S. Criticized for Attempt to Shift Blame for Ruptured DPRK-U.S. Talks

PYONGYANG – A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) released a statement on Saturday as regards the fact that the U.S. is trying to escape from the responsibility for its totally foiled policy toward the DPRK.

 It is a well-known fact that the DPRK had long called for the resumption of dialogue without preconditions, making sincere efforts for it, but the U.S. prevented it, raising unreasonable "preconditions", the statement said, adding:
 As the DPRK has consistently clarified, its military capabilities for self-defence based on nuclear force are neither means for threatening anyone nor a bargaining chip for something.
 The DPRK's nuclear weapons serve as self-defensive deterrent to cope with the constant nuclear threat and military invasion from the U.S. and as a force of justice to decisively repel the enemy's invasion and deal a merciless retaliation in case a war breaks out.
 It is a grave provocation to criticize as "provocative" any legitimate self-defensive step taken by a small country to protect itself from the ringleader of aggression and war.
 The U.S. should clearly know, though belatedly, that the failure of its DPRK policy is due to its fundamentally wrong viewpoint on the DPRK.