
News ID: 137451
Publish Date : 01 March 2025 - 22:18

The Enlightening  Message of Ramadhan

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
The blessed month of fasting has started. Muslims the world over, despite the crises they are facing in most parts of the globe, have set aside their problems of daily life to gather in groups for worship of the One and Only God in order help the have-nots of the society. 
Indeed, this spirit of the Ramadhan needs proper appreciation. It is the season of spiritual strengthening that makes the individual, the societies, and entire countries rise above mundane material concerns, to strive towards the proximity of the Loving Creator, Who will never disappoint the believers.
It is God Alone Who is the Succour for the promised triumph of the Ummah. In an era when politicians of Muslim countries lack the degree of faith to fulfil their promises it is only Divine Help that defeats the enemies of Islam.   
The Palestinians of Gaza are prime victims of the genocide unleashed by the illegal Zionist regime. More than two million people have lost their homes and hearths and are living in refugee camps. Yet, in spite of their worsening plight, they have not lost hope in the Mercy of Allah. They observe the rituals of Ramadhan even in squalid conditions and under Israeli bombing.
Another oppressed nation is Lebanon. Its people, determined to reclaim their lands from the truce-breaching Zionists, have started Ramadhan with the usual devotion of the past years. Many are still in the state of mourning after having buried their martyrs and bravely blunted the Israeli offensive with a barrage of hundreds of missiles
The Month of God invigorates the Palestinians, the Lebanese, and other committed nations such as the Yemenis, the Iraqis, and of course, the Iranians, in strengthening their spirit of resistance, with firm belief in the Divine Promise.
It means, sooner, rather than later, Israel will cease to exist on the map of the world and Bayt al-Moqaddas will return to the fold of Islam, no matter the stratagems of the US – the Great Satan.
US president, Donald Trump, is indeed the incarnation of the devil and he greatly fears that the liberating message of Islam from Tehran will one day unite the whole Ummah against the satanic elements.
Devout Iranian Muslims, who gather regularly in the holy shrines to beseech the All-Merciful God in the month of Ramadhan, can make mountains move and seas part if they invoke Divine Wrath on the Americans and the Zionists.  
In this month of the Divine Banquet spread out for the believers, it is thus our duty to raise our inner awareness through acts of worship as well as social activities, which are crucial for self-reform and the firming of faith.
The Holy Qur’an is our constitution and out blueprint for success, if its message is properly understood by Muslims who ought to knit ranks by holding fast to the path of the Prophet and his Immaculate Ahl al-Bayt.
We are well aware of the famous saying of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA): 
“The one negligent of the situation of Muslims cannot be called a Muslim.”
Ramadhan thus provides the finest opportunity for the believers to work for the betterment of the self and the society, and strive to defeat the hordes of Satan.