
News ID: 137097
Publish Date : 19 February 2025 - 22:13

Resistance Film Festival Holds Documentary Workshop

TEHRAN – The 18th International Resistance Film Festival is hosting a workshop called “Women and Resistance” in Tehran for documentary filmmakers from around the world.
The workshop aims to empower filmmakers and help them create impactful content that focuses on resistance and the role of women in resistance.
Esrafil Kaliji, the head of the festival’s International Committee, discussed the workshop with the event organizers at the Shahid Avini School of Art and Media in Tehran. 
“Our goal is to train documentary filmmakers at the international level and create meaningful work highlighting resistance and women’s contributions,” he said. 
Kaliji said the festival primarily seeks new talent in resistance filmmaking. 
“We recognize the important role of women in many areas, especially in resistance. This workshop aims to support and encourage women’s active participation in this field.”
Marzieh Minayipour, head of the Women’s Group at the festival, said filmmakers from various countries, including Russia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Venezuela, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq are taking part in the workshop.
At the end of the course, participants will receive a certificate from the Shahid Avini School of Art and will present a project that addresses local issues in their regions at the festival.