
News ID: 136588
Publish Date : 04 February 2025 - 22:02

Iran Will Firmly Defend Its Peaceful Nuclear Program

TEHRAN - A senior political 
advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has stressed that Iran will use all its power to defend its peaceful nuclear program.
During a visit to an exhibition showcasing the latest achievements in the nuclear industry at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) on Monday, Ali Shamkhani reiterated the transparency of Iran’s nuclear program and the country’s adherence to international obligations.
“Iran has never sought nuclear weapons and will never do so,” he said. “However, it defends its legal rights… with all its might.”
Shamkhani asserted that, “The Islamic Republic is resolved to defend the interests of the Iranian nation against excessive demands of the world powers, who have reneged on their promises, and force them to respect the legal rights of the proud people of Iran.”
He also stressed the importance of developing nuclear technology, adding that some countries oppose Iran’s progress in this field due to its positive outcomes for the country.
“Nuclear technology will not only create significant values for the country in the sector of clean and renewable energy production, but it’s also very crucial and effective in fields such as agriculture, medicine, pharmaceuticals, water resources management and environment.”
“Iran’s scientific independence in this field has raised concerns among some powers.”
On Tuesday, Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs refuted claims that it was no more in charge of negotiations on the country’s nuclear program.
Asked by reporters about the main body overseeing the talks over Iran’s nuclear case, the Foreign Ministry’s public relations department dismissed any change in the status quo.
“Like the past, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in charge of the talks and negotiations on the nuclear issue. This job is being administered by the honorable minister of foreign affairs and done by the
 political, legal and international deputies,” it stated.
The ministry underlined that the Supreme National Security Council is still the only authority that defines the strategy of the nuclear negotiations and makes arrangements among the organizations involved.
The statement came after media speculations that Ali Shamkhani has taken charge of handling the nuclear talks.