
News ID: 136576
Publish Date : 04 February 2025 - 22:01


Dear youngsters, could you answer the following questions.
1. You throw away my outside, you cook my inside. Then you eat my outside and you throw away my inside. What am I? 
2. I go in hard, come out soft. Blow me hard and I’ll make a pop. What am I? 
3. I am a food with 5 letters. If you remove the first letter I am a form of energy. Remove two and I’m needed to live. Scramble the last 3 and you can drink me down. What am I? 
4. I have a hundred legs, but cannot stand. I have a long neck, but no head. I cannot see, and I help keep your house neat and tidy. What am I? 
5. I cannot be bought, cannot be sold, even if I’m sometimes made of gold. What am I? 
6. I can be found after you remove 6 letters from BSAINXLEATEARS. What am I? 
Answers to the questions asked in the previous issue:
1. Photographer
2. Autobiography
3. Iceberg
4. Clone
5. Tie
6. Kite