
News ID: 131869
Publish Date : 29 September 2024 - 23:01

Truman to Biden, Along With the Zionists Trapped in a Terrible End

By: Kayhan International
Truman is definitely roasting in hell for his crimes against humanity that include the death of millions of men, women, children, with the Divine punishment starting anew every moment of the past 52 years since his death, every time a survivor of his 8-year tenure of terrorism suffers the slightest pain.
One of the most unpopular of the US presidents, notorious for the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, launching of a destructive war on North Korea, and trampling of the tenets of Christianity by endorsing Zionism and recognizing the illegal planting of Israel in Palestine.
According to analysts in the US, shocked by the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the holocaust imposed on Lebanon, “Truman’s decision to support and cooperate with the rogue ‘Zionist entity’ in 1948 against the advice of the State Department, the military and intelligence agencies has been the gravest foreign policy error in the history of the United States.”
They point out that the costs in both blood and treasure and the damage to US moral authority have been enormous with disastrous global consequences, because of Truman’s unchristian support for Israel and its continued crimes against humanity, which continue to shock the world for the past 76 years.
This means, if Divine Mercy were to reduce the intensity of punishment for the nuking of the Japanese cities and the massacre of the Koreans, as traces of US crimes in the two countries gradually disappear over the years, Divine Wrath has definitely increased manifold Truman’s punishment for his complicity in Israel’s growing atrocities in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen.
For instance, last Friday’s martyrdom of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah by the illegal Zionist entity (preceded by the assassination of senior Palestinian, Syrian, Lebanese and Iranian scientists, generals, politicians and media persons) has certainly fuelled the flames of the eternal inferno roasting him –in anticipation of the present perpetrator Benjamin Netanyahu’s eventual fall into one of the hottest parts of hell.
The Secretary-General of Lebanon’s legendary anti-terrorist movement, the Hezbollah, was a pious, patriotic, prudent, and peerless person, with firm faith in God Almighty, Divine Justice, Prophethood, Imamate, and Resurrection for the Final Judgement, unlike the godless Zionists and their equally ungodly terrorist backer, the anti-Christ called the US.
In other words, the dire consequences of the assassination of the 64-year old Seyyed (a descendant of the Prophet Islam and a devotee of the Prophets Moses and Jesus), has not only ensured eventual victory for the Party of God, but has accelerated the fast approaching end of usurper Israel.
For the Zionist war criminals, however, as well as their comrades-in-crimes against humanity from Harry Truman to Joe Biden and his ill-fated successors, the roasting in hell will be everlasting.