
News ID: 131820
Publish Date : 28 September 2024 - 22:02

Nasrallah Achieves Immortality as Israel Signs Own Death Warrant

By: Kayhan International

Some two thousand years ago, Israelites who had deviated from the path of Prophet Moses betrayed Prophet Jesus to their pagan Roman overlords and exulted wildly at what they thought the brutal crucifixion of their victim – assuming the end of the message of the Lord Most High to reform them of their evil.
It is another matter the Virgin-born Messiah was not crucified and lifted by the Almighty Creator to the heavens, and unknown to the Roman soldiers they had instead nailed to the cross the turncoat Judas Iscariot.
To the horror of the Godless Israelites, however, their murderous plot backfired so badly that the messianic message of their victim soon spread all over the region and into the heart of the Roman Empire, turning the various Gentile races of Europe into Christians.
Unwittingly, the plotters had brought upon themselves an existential crisis, as the majority of the Semitic Jews abandoned Israelite evil to become followers of Jesus, thereby reducing Judaism to an obscure creed, which ceased to exist in Palestine when six centuries later most of the barely surviving Jewish minority embraced the truth of Islam.
Of course, it was but natural for the Christian world to subject to frequent pogroms for over a thousand years as enemies of God, Jesus, and humanity, the Jews who had infiltrated Europe and continued their satanic scandalizing of the Messiah and his Virgin Mother.
Orthodox Judaism may have discontinued this insulting of the basic beliefs of the Christians, but the Zionists, as the non-Semitic self-styled converts from Eastern Europe, illegally planted in Palestine by the irreligious West to carry out the murderously neo-colonialist agenda, continue to do it.
Actually, the US, Britain, and other West European regimes (long removed from the teachings of Jesus), reward sacrilegious Israel with billions of dollars in cash and the most lethal armaments to commit genocide in Gaza, unleash terrorism in Syria, attack Yemen, threaten Iraq, vilify Iran, hold Jordan hostage, scare Egypt, terrify Turkiye, and subject Lebanon to a new holocaust.
If Jesus was the first victim of the progenitors of Zionism, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah and his equally Moses-like colleagues are the latest victims of the modern day Zionist crimes against humanity.
Martyrdom, whether attempted or actual, badly boomerangs on its ignorant perpetrators. If the Romans slaughtered more than a million of the ancient Israelite enemies of Jesus during the years 36 to 70 AD and expelled the survivors to make Palestine almost empty of Jews, the Crusaders massacred the remnants of the Messiah’s rejecters in the 1099 capture of Jerusalem (Bayt al-Moqaddas) from Muslims. 
These were indeed Divine punishments throughout history afflicting the plotters of the plight of Jesus and his blasphemers for their abortive attempt to crucify him.
Fast forward to modern times and the spree of actual martyrdoms of the innocent by the present day blasphemers of Jesus, in Palestine, in Syria, in Iran, and in Lebanon, climaxing in Friday’s cowardly killing of Secretary of the legendary anti-terrorist movement – an ardent believer in the return of the Son of Mary, along with Imam Mahdi to end oppression.
Usurper Israel, in its death throes since 7th October 2023 as a result of the heroic Operation Al-Aqsa Storm from besieged Gaza, in a vain attempt to prolong its illegitimate existence, has signed its own death warrant by unleashing terrorism in its most dastardly form on Lebanon. 
Hezbollah (literally ‘Party of God’), with its well-organised structure and the firm faith of its members in God Almighty and his Messengers (e.g. Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Prophet Muhammad [SAWA]), is too strong to succumb to Zionist barbarism.
As the official statement from Beirut reads: “His Eminence, the Master of Resistance, the Righteous Servant (of God), has joined his Lord as a Great Martyr — an outstanding, courageous, wise, and insightful leader — joining the ranks of the radiant Martyrs of Karbala in the Divine journey of faith, following in the footsteps of the Prophets and Martyr Imams.” 
His legacy, however, lives on, and as Nasrallah watches with delight from the gardens of Paradise, in the company of the other martyrs, and, of course, the Prophets of God, the cobweb called Israel will soon be a thing of the past – no matter what more money and weapons (even soldiers) its terrorist godfather, US the anti-Christ, would pour.