
News ID: 129834
Publish Date : 28 July 2024 - 22:22
Leader’s Recommendation to New Administration:

‘Deal Actively With Global Issues’

TEHRAN -- Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei here Sunday advised the new administration to actively and influentially deal with global and regional issues.
“In the face of global waves and events, particularly regional issues and political matters, as well as scientific advancements like artificial intelligence, you need to confront these issues with an active, effective approach instead of reacting passively,” the Leader said, noting that neglecting global and regional events is unacceptable
“Whenever something happens, we take a stance on it. We should express this position clearly, explicitly, and with strength and dignity so that the world understands what Islamic Iran has to say on the issue.”
The Leader made the remarks after endorsing Masoud Pezeskhian as the new president of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
He advised the new administration to have a clear stance on global and regional developments. He said Iran’s priority is to maintain relations with its neighbors and the countries that help expand its diplomacy, such as African and Asian nations.
Another foreign policy priority of Iran, the Leader said, is to have strong relations with the countries that have supported the Islamic Republic in the face of pressures over the past years.
European countries, however, are not on Iran’s priority list, not because of the Islamic Republic’s hostility towards them, but because of the fact that those countries have not behaved toward Iran in a good manner in the past years, Ayatollah Khamenei added.
The Leader also said new state officials should use every domestic and foreign capacity to help country’s progress, even though their focus should be on domestic capabilities. 
No internal issue should be stopped and tied to foreign developments, the Leader emphasized.
The Leader wished success for President Pezeshkians, saying the nation’s vote and his endorsement will persist as long as he follows his usual approach on the straight path of Islam and the Revolution.
Ayatollah Khamenei meanwhile advised different organizations and the three branches of the government to interact with each other to better administer the country. 
He said priorities should be taken into consideration, citing economy as a top priority now.
“A calculated, strong and persistent economic mobility is required,” the Leader said. “Of course, in the previous government, valuable works were done, which should continue. Other works should also be added to them.”
Ayatollah Khamenei hailed the presidential election as a significant triumph for the Iranian nation in an important test. 
“Despite the atmosphere of public sorrow caused by the death of our martyred president, the 14th presidential election was admirable as it was a calm, healthy, competitive election, and the rivals acted morally with regard to the president-elect after the elections.” 
The Leader reflected on the emergence of democracy, competition, and integrity in the country as a direct outcome of the nation’s uprising and revolution in response to the dire conditions of the past. 

The recent election, he said, “one of the honors of the Iranian nation and a sign of the establishment of a sustainable Islamic system that indicate the rationality and sobriety of the country’s political environment”. 
Ayatollah Khamenei further said that the Islamic Republic has in the past more than 40 years witnessed dozens of elections that were held in a healthy and competitive atmosphere with the motivated presence of the people.
“Thank God, the people elected a competent president... We all have to help him and his government do great jobs.”
Ayatollah Khamenei touched on the Zionist regime’s genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, saying “the issue of Palestine was once only the issue of Muslim countries, but today the issue of Palestine and Gaza is a global issue”.
“The Zionist regime is showing its ugliest face as a criminal gang,” setting a new record in “assassinations, cruelty and atrocity,” the Leader said. 
Ayatollah Khamenei also touched on Israel’s failure to ground and defeat the resistance despite the help of the U.S. and some other “treacherous governments.”
He said that the U.S. Congress “brought great disgrace” to itself by listening to an address by “criminal” Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu who received frequent applause at the chamber on Wednesday.