
News ID: 129790
Publish Date : 28 July 2024 - 21:55

Zionist Regime Seeks to Use Misfired Missile for New Adventurism in Lebanon

BEIRUT (Dispatches) – The Islamic resistance in Lebanon  Hezbollah fully denied any involvement and responsibility for a deadly strike on the village of Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, contrary to the Zionist regime’s claims about the matter.
Hezbollah stressed that it had nothing to do with the incident, completely denying all the “false claims” in that regard.
This comes after a missile of unknown origin struck a playground in the occupied Syrian village of Majdal Shams, which is made up entirely of Druze Syrians. 
Meanwhile, the Israeli regime has carried out airstrikes against the positions of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah in southern Lebanon as Western diplomats are scrambling to prevent any further escalation in fighting between the two sides.
The Israeli military conducted air raids in several towns in southern Lebanon overnight on Saturday after it accused Hezbollah of firing the rocket.
At least 12 people were killed and several others wounded on Saturday in a rocket attack on a football pitch in the town of the Majdal Shams in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
Some reports said the explosion was likely caused by a stray projectile fired by Israel’s so-called Iron Dome missile system.
The Israeli regime, however, insisted on blaming Hezbollah for the incident.
Israel’s minister of military affairs Yoav Gallant described the strike “a terrible tragedy” as he visited the scene of the rocket attack in Majdal Shams.
“Hezbollah is responsible for it and they will pay the price,” Gallant said, as thousands of mourners gathered in the village for the victims’ funeral ceremonies.
Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz also said Hezbollah had “crossed all red lines”, warning that the regime’s response will be accordingly.
The latest Israeli strikes come amid fears that the fighting would spiral into a regional war.
Mourners on Sunday shouted down regime ministers at a funeral for children and young people killed.
“Now you come here? Ten months you didn’t come!” a man wearing a military uniform shouted at housing minister Nir Barkat and environmental protection minister Idit Silman, to applause from the crowd.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said caution was necessary, stressing that Washington doesn’t want to see the conflict escalate.
The UN’s special coordinator for Lebanon, as well as the UN’s peace-keeping force along the Lebanese border with the occupied territories, urged “maximum restraint” after the rocket attack. 
They went on to say that both sides must “put a stop to the ongoing intensified exchanges of fire,” adding that “It could ignite a wider conflagration that would engulf the entire region in a catastrophe beyond belief.”
Meanwhile, Norway’s Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide condemned the Majdal Shams attack, warning that “an escalation of the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah could represent a turning point” in the region.
He also called on all relevant parties to urge conflicting sides to exercise restraint and avoid this developing into a major regional war, emphasizing that an escalation of retaliatory attacks could have consequences for the security situation in the entire region.
The French Foreign Ministry also denounced the rocket attack in a statement, while demanding that everything possible be done to avoid a new military escalation.
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock also condemned the “deplorable” rocket strike on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
“The perfidious attacks must stop immediately. It is important to act with cool heads. Far too many people have died already in this conflict,” Baerbock said in a post on X. 
Hezbollah and the Zionist regime have been exchanging deadly fire since early October last year, shortly after the regime launched a genocidal war against the Gaza Strip following a surprise operation by its resistance groups.