
News ID: 129825
Publish Date : 28 July 2024 - 22:18

Iran Warns Israel Against Any Adventurism in Lebanon

TEHRAN -- Iran on Sunday sternly warned Israel against “any new adventurism” in Lebanon after the regime accused Hezbollah of firing a rocket that killed a dozen people in the town of the Majdal Shams in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan’ani said while Hezbollah and some senior Lebanese officials have rejected any role in the attack, the Zionist regime is using Majdal Shams incident as an “excuse” and fabricating an “unrealistic scenario” to distract the world from its war crimes in Gaza.
“After ten months of mass killing in the Gaza Strip and massacre of Palestinian children and women, the apartheid Israeli regime is trying to distract public opinion and global attention from its wide-ranging crimes in Palestine with a fabricated scenario.
“The Zionist regime lacks the slightest moral credibility to comment and pass judgment on the Majdal Shams incident, and the regime’s allegations against others will be disregarded,” Kan’ani said.
Kan’ani urged the international community, especially the United Nations Security Council, to support the stability and security of Lebanon and the region against the adventurism of the “aggressive Zionist regime.”
He warned that any “foolish moves” by the Zionist regime could further destabilize the region, adding that Israel will be definitely and primarily held accountable for the “unforeseeable consequences of such a folly.”
Kan’ani also called on the U.S. administration to stop supplying Israel with weapons of mass destruction and greeting with applause its criminal prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu after ten months of ongoing atrocities against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Instead, he urged the U.S. to honor its international and moral duties, act for world peace and security, and stop Israel from sparking a new fire whose flames will engulf Zionists themselves.
At least 12 people were killed and several others wounded on Saturday in a rocket attack on a football pitch in the town of the Majdal Shams in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
In a statement, Hezbollah said, “The Islamic Resistance has absolutely nothing to do with the incident, and categorically denies all false allegations in this regard.”
Some reports said the explosion might have been caused by a stray projectile fired by Israel’s so-called Iron Dome missile system. The regime, however, insisted on blaming the resistance movement for the incident.
Iran’s Ambassador to Lebanon Mojtaba Amani said on Saturday that the Islamic Republic is not afraid of a war. He said enemies should realize how Iran would respond, thanks to the military prowess it possesses and the support it offers to the Axis of Resistance.