
News ID: 129161
Publish Date : 07 July 2024 - 22:19

Leader: Qualities of Martyr Raisi a Model to Follow

TEHRAN -- Leader of the 
Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei here Sunday praised the outgoing administration of late President Ebrahim Raisi as the government of endeavor, hope and hard work.
In his final meeting with the late president’s cabinet members, the Leader said Martyr Raisi “truly hopeful and optimistic about the future and determined to achieve the set goals.”
Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the late president’s people-centric approach as an important trait and a true model for all officials. 
“By being among the people, our dear Raisi comprehended the realities. He listened to what people had to say and made their needs the basis for his plans.”
The Leader said that “being among the people” is an Islamic requirement for officials and authorities. 
Ayatollah Khamenei cited Imam Ali (AS)’s letter to his prominent companion Malik Ashtar, stressing that “the most beloved work in your eyes should be the one that gains the satisfaction and contentment of the masses”. 
“Martyr Raisi followed the same approach as Imam Ali (AS), and this too should serve as a model for all.”
The Leader also touched on President Raisi’s genuine faith in domestic capabilities, saying he “wholeheartedly believed in the potential and capacity of domestic resources to solve the country’s problems”.
The Leader also highlighted the martyred president’s other notable characteristic of expressing his religious and revolutionary stances with clarity, while avoiding doublespeak or the desire to gain approval from others.
“Raisi was straightforward in adhering to the revolutionary positions that he believed in, and he expressed them clearly. In his very first interview, he was asked about relations with a particular country, ‘Will you be establishing relations?’ He said, ‘No’ and adhered to this clear and straightforward position until the very end.”
The Leader praised President Raisi for his indefatigability in work. 
“I used to repeatedly say to Raisi that you need to rest some in order to be able to continue working in the future, otherwise you will collapse one day and not be able to work anymore. But he would say that he never got tired of work and he truly never did,” he said.
“He adhered to two aspects at the same time. One was interaction, and the other was dignity and respect. He was a person who interacted with others. He sometimes talked on the phone with some European president for an hour or an hour and a half. Imagine just talking on the phone for
 an hour and a half. He was a man of interaction, but his interaction was from a position of dignity. He wasn’t harsh and didn’t repel others, and he didn’t break off talks or give away concessions unnecessarily,” the Leader said.
“Our martyred president interacted from a position of honor with all countries that were possible, giving priority to neighbors. As a result, following his martyrdom, several prominent world leaders described Raisi as an exceptional figure, rather than an ordinary politician, in their messages of condolence.”
Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The qualities of Martyr Raisi were mentioned to illustrate a model and to record it in history to demonstrate that the head of the executive branch can possess a set of intellectual, emotional, and practical virtues and pursue them in his governing and individual performance.”
The Leader expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the people and the diligent efforts of government officials, the interior ministry, the national media, security officials and the police force for successfully organizing the elections without any incidents. 
“In some countries around the world, elections are accompanied by fights and quarrels, while in our country, the elections were held in the best possible manner,” he said.