
News ID: 129028
Publish Date : 03 July 2024 - 22:40

The Misery of July 4 for the American People

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
Iran is all set to elect a new president on Friday as the Islamic Republic in its 46th year confidently continues its march towards the pinnacles of progress with the support of the dedicated revolutionary masses undeterred by the various forms of US terrorism – economic, political, cultural, media, and technological.
The incoming Chief Executive is expected to tread the trail blazed by the “People’s President”, Martyr Hojjat al-Islam Seyyed Ibrahim Raisi, who successfully neutralized most of the terroristic sanctions of the regimes that play musical chairs in Washington, unconcerned of the worsening problems of the American people.
In fact, the United States of America (USA) that the 13 rebellious New England colonies created on July 4, 1776 by declaring independence from Britain under the deceptive slogan of representative rule in place of monarchy was never a “people’s republic”.
Unlike the Islamic Revolution that threw into the dustbin of history a rootless and ruthless potentate in order to restore to the Iranian people of various backgrounds their religion, spiritual values, and national culture, the USA was conceived as a localized regime of colonizers to perpetuate the English usurpation of North America by exterminating the Amerindians.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin or whoever else were the ‘founding fathers’ of the USA, never had the interests of humanity in mind. They were only concerned with territorial expansionism that besides ethnic cleansing of the natives and enslavement of the black-skinned Africans included the seizure of other occupied American territories under usurpation of the French, the Spanish, and the Dutch.
Beginning with the US naval raids on the Berber Muslim states of North Africa in the 1830s to the occupation of the Philippines in 1900 and the current worldwide terrorism from Latin America to the coasts of China, and the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, and the Mediterranean, the regime in Washington is without doubt, an evil empire.
So the July 4 celebrations every year in the US with the politicians and the press making bombastic statements to deceive the public, augurs further misery for the surviving Amerindians and the dark-skinned American citizens, as well as the growing number of unemployed and homeless whites.
This year, as two aging presidential candidates with lust for innocent blood outdo each other in devilry, while a holocaust rages in Gaza, those beaming with joy are the Zionist usurpers of Palestine. They think that like the European colonizers of 1776 in North America who exterminated the Amerindian natives, they have a genocidal mission in Muslim lands for establishing ‘Greater Israel’ from the River Nile in Egypt to the River Euphrates in Iraq.
They are living in a fool’s paradise. The Axis of Resistance is all geared up to not only to wipe out the cobweb called Israel but also to end the US presence in the region and one day liberate the people of North America.