
News ID: 128985
Publish Date : 02 July 2024 - 22:16

The Curse of Martyrs of Flight 655 Will Definitely Strike the US

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
Although almost every passing day reminds us of the continued cycle of US crimes against the Iranian people since August 1953, July 3 refreshes our memories of one of the most cowardly acts of terrorism perpetrated by Washington against the Islamic Republic.
Today, despite the passing of 36 years since the USS Vincennes criminally shot down Iran Air Flight 655 off Hengam Island while on its regular four-days-a-week to-and-fro trip between Bandar Abbas and Dubai, the blood of the 290 passengers, including 66 children, has remained remarkably fresh in the Persian Gulf waters.
On no account will the Iranian nation forget this unpardonable crime of the US regime, which had instructed the dastardly captain, Will Rogers – who later received medals of honour from the US president for his crime against humanity – to intrude into Iranian coastal waters for this premeditated terroristic strike.
For the past seventy-one years since the August 19 coup, the Iranian people have been the victims of US crimes and various acts of terrorism, which have intensified since 1979 with an unending cycle of sanctions following the victory of the Islamic Revolution.
Do we really expect such a terroristic regime to ever respect the Iranian people, or for that matter the other independent countries and movements of the region?
The answer is a big No, especially in view of the open US complicity in the ongoing holocaust in Gaza. In fact, the most prominent proof of Washington’s war crimes against the Free World is the illegal Zionist entity called Israel, which has subjected the Palestinian people to unending genocide over the past seventy-six years.
This is yet another undeniable proof of terrorism and crimes-against-humanity ingrained in the nature and history of the US, beginning with the genocide of the Amerindians, followed by the enslavement of the black-skinned Africans, and now the barely-concealed Islamophobia.
Now it becomes clear why the Axis of Resistance is so determined to end the American military presence in the region after having offered millions of martyrs spread over Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Palestine as result of the US meddling, invasion, occupation, imposing of wars, stealing of oil wealth, and destabilization of Muslim countries.
Yes, this wanton shedder of the innocent blood of humanity whose terrorism is also fresh in the minds of the Japanese, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, and the Germans, should never be trusted,
Any naïve act of trying to reach some sort of ‘understanding’ with the US regime, especially after its blatant breach of the JCPOA regarding Iran’s nuclear rights, is an affront to the souls of the passengers of Flight 655 whose curse will Insha Allah (God Willing) bring about the downfall of this evil empire.
Did not the Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (RA), warn that any idea of relations between Iran and the US is like impossibility of a gentle sheep sitting together with a rapacious wolf?