
News ID: 128952
Publish Date : 02 July 2024 - 22:12

Rights Group: Israel ‘Systematically’ Using Palestinians as Human Shields

WEST BANK (Dispatches) – The Zionist 
regime’s army’s use of Palestinian civilians as human shields is a systematic policy used by the occupying regime throughout its occupation of Palestine, a rights group says.
This came after Al Jazeera aired footage showing the regime’s army using detained Palestinian civilians, including injured detainees, as human shields and forcing them into hazardous zones after installing cameras on their bodies and binding them with rope.
Commenting on the video footage, the Palestinian Prisoners Club said in a statement the practice is as old as the Israeli occupation of Palestine, adding that “it is an aspect of the ongoing war of genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza, which reveals the daily reality of this occupation and the level of its unlimited brutality.”
It added that since the beginning of the war on the Gaza Strip, the level of crimes carried out against Palestinian detainees and their families is unprecedented in intensity.
Israel, the rights group said, has committed the crime of enforced disappearance against Palestinians, in addition to torture, sexual assaults and rape.
Amputation Without Anesthesia
Meanwhile, the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) said that some detainees from the Gaza Strip, who are held in Israeli occupation prisons, have had their limbs amputated without anesthesia.
In a statement reviewing the most salient facts about the Gaza detainees’ issue, PPS said some detainees had their limbs amputated due to injuries sustained from leg shackles during their detention, WAFA news agency reported.
PPS pointed out that the occupation keeps detainees restrained; shackled and blindfolded for 24 hours. 
Detainees are subjected to beatings with the use of all means and tools, including attacking them with batons and police dogs.
PPs stressed that the occupation is committing the crimes of forced starvation and humiliation with the use of various means and tools, including insulting them at all times and forcing them to say words that violate their dignity, along with intimidation and threats.
According to the statement, the occupation prevents detainees from communicating with each other until they begin talking to themselves. If prisoners attempt to speak to each other, they are subjected to torture and punishment. Some testimonies reported being subjected to sexual violence and rape.