
News ID: 128944
Publish Date : 01 July 2024 - 22:24

Moment of ‘Weep and Wail’ for Zionists

BEIRUT (Dispatches) – 
Lebanon’s Hezbollah said on Monday an attack on a building utilized by Zionist troops in the Ramot Naftali settlement, using what they described as “appropriate weapons”, asserting a “direct hit”.
Since Israel’s invasion of Gaza, there have been nearly daily exchanges of fire between the occupying regime and Hezbollah.
On Sunday, 18 Zionist soldiers were wounded, including one seriously, in a Hezbollah drone attack in northern occupied territories, the military said.
According to the Israeli military, several drones were launched from Lebanon on Sunday afternoon, setting off sirens in the Galilee Panhandle and northern Golan Heights.
The military said that one explosive-laden drone struck the Merom Golan area, injuring 18 troops. One of the soldiers was seriously wounded.
Hezbollah in recent months has increasingly been deploying explosive-laden drones, alongside anti-tank guided missiles and barrages of rockets.
The resistance movement claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it targeted an Israeli military site in the area in response to strikes against it earlier in the day.
Separately, one heavy rocket was launched by Hezbollah at the Beit Hillel area. 
Since October 8, Hezbollah forces have attacked settlements and military posts along the Lebanese border on a near-daily basis, with the group saying it is doing so to support Gaza amid Israel’s war on the besieged enclave. 
Last month, senior Hezbollah official Hashem Safieddine warned that Israel should prepare to “cry and wail” after it martyred three Hezbollah fighters, including senior field commander Taleb Abdallah.
Speaking at Abdallah’s funeral procession, Safieddine said the group would increase the intensity, force and quantity of its operations against Israel in retaliation for his assassination.
“If the enemy is screaming and moaning about what happened to it in northern Palestine, let him prepare himself to weep and wail,” he said.
“If the occupation’s aim is to undermine our resolve to support Gaza, then our definitive and inevitable response is that we will increase the intensity, force and quantity of our operations,” he added.
With Hezbollah’s retaliatory operations becoming increasingly lethal, the Zionist regime has threatened to launch a large-scale invasion of Lebanon. 
The Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee (IRCC) on Monday pledged to target U.S. interests in the Arab country and elsewhere in West Asia should Israel decide to launch a military aggression against Lebanon.
The coordination committee of the umbrella group of anti-terror fighters announced in a statement that the scope and extent of Iraqi operations will extend in case the Zionist regime opts to carry out its attacks and conducts a wide-scale attack against Lebanon.
“Should Israel commit such a military

 assault, U.S. interests in Iraq and elsewhere in the region will become legitimate targets for resistance forces,” the statement read.
“In the wake of ongoing massacres in Palestine, decisive positions should be taken against the Arab countries that compromise with the Zionist regime,” it stated.
The committee lashed out at the Basra-Aqaba pipeline project which would start at the southern Iraqi city of Basra and transport one million barrels per day to the Jordanian port of Aqaba.
“The pipeline would be the starting point for involving Iraq in a scheme that paves the way for normalization of relations with the occupying Zionist entity,” it said.
Last week, the head of Iraq’s Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq resistance group warned Israel against waging a new war on Lebanon, emphasizing that the strategic interests of its main ally, the United States, in West Asia will be targeted in such a case.
“If America continues to support the usurping Israeli regime, and the Zionist enemy expands its assaults on Lebanon and Hezbollah, Washington’s interests in the region and Iraq will be in jeopardy,” Qais al-Khazali said.
Yemen’s resistance fighters have also pledged to rush to Lebanon’s aid if the country is invaded. 
The country’s armed forces on Sunday unveiled a new indigenous sea drone, releasing a video of its recent destructive strike against a ship during an anti-Israeli operation.
The forces released the video featuring the unmanned surface vehicle (USV), codenamed Tufan Al-Modammer (Flood of Destruction), on Sunday.
It showed the boat moving towards a ship, identified by the forces as Transworld Navigator, during a June 23 operation in the Red Sea.
A military spokesman said the drone boat was outfitted with advanced technology, enjoyed a high destructive capability, and could operate in all maritime conditions.
He said Transworld Navigator was targeted for violating a ban imposed by Yemen against vessels sailing towards the ports of the Israeli occupied territories.
“Yemen’s naval forces confirm that their operations will continue and escalate against all ships of violating companies as long as the Zionist aggression against Gaza does not stop,” the spokesman warned.