People’s Power, the Backbone of Islamic Iran
By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
The power, prestige, and progress of a country stems from the prudence of its people, since without the strength of the masses and their support no system of government can be considered truly independent and capable of playing positive roles on the national, regional, and international scenes.
The Islamic Republic of Iran presents the finest example in this regard, as is fully evident by the Iranian people’s firm faith in God, gratitude for His Favours, pride in their culture, love for the homeland, ingenuity in overcoming hurdles, awareness of world affairs, acumen in differentiating good from evil, confidence in confronting the enemies, creativeness in science and technology, and above all devotion to the leadership.
Time and again, the Iranian people through their huge presence on the scenes – the latest being last week’s multimillion-strong nationwide rallies on the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution – have shown to the world their resolve in guaranteeing the stability of the country and its ever-increasing influence on the region and beyond.
This has been the main factor in the continued defeat of the devilish plots of the US and its comrades-in crimes against humanity to try to re-impose upon the Iranian people some sort of foreign hegemony through traitors and mercenaries being nurtured in Washington, London, Paris, and Berlin.
Gone are the days, when imperial Britain held the Qajarid kings in ransom and removed the last of them (Ahmad Shah) while he was visiting Europe on one of his pleasure trips by simply ordering him not to return to Tehran, where London had decided to install on the Peacock Throne one of its servants, an illiterate soldier of dubious descent, named Reza Khan.
Soon in 1941, after fifteen destructive years in power, this slavish ‘Pahlavi’ king was ordered by the British embassy in Tehran to pack up and leave Iran within a week, and when without the least protest he meekly requested a month’s time, he was bluntly told that no ruler of any client regime can question London’s commandments.
In 1953, when the next Pahlavi potentate fled Iran from the people’s uprising, which in those days lacked any firm leadership, he was restored to the throne in Tehran through a joint Anglo-American coup carried out by a mercenary general.
For the next quarter century this rootless, repressive, and foreign-imposed ruler whole-heartedly served the interests of the US, the UK, and the newly planted illegally Zionist entity in Palestine called Israel.
With the rise on the political scene of an astute scholar, the charismatic Imam Khomeini (RA), who solidified the masses, domestic despotism and foreign hegemony ended, and in February 1979 Iran, with people’s support, emerged as a truly independent Islamic country – neither aligned to the communist east nor to the capitalist west.
Such an aware and conscientious people who have transformed Iran into the paramount power of the region, and have positively influenced the neighbourhood by infusing the indomitable spirit to confront global arrogance and mobilize all resources for wiping out the cobweb called Israel, can never be deceived or defeated by the devilish enemies.