
News ID: 115073
Publish Date : 14 May 2023 - 22:36

Nakba Anniversary Heralds the Imminent End of Israel

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
Today, the 75th anniversary of the “Nakba” or a “Great Catastrophe” that saw the expulsion of some million Palestinians from their homes and hearts, a day after Britain gave birth to the illegitimate Zionist entity, has brought into sharper focus the fast approaching end of Israel.
May 15 is the black day in history which depicts the story of a nation deprived of its homeland on which the occupiers who came from across the seas, set up a spurious state in 1948 and have since subjected the sons of the soil to all sorts of atrocities.
The five-day unprovoked aerial attacks on Gaza that the usurper regime was forced to end on Saturday midnight because of the barrage of missiles of the defenders piercing the so-called iron dome and causing panic among the illegal settlers, once again busted the myth of Israel’s military superiority. 
It also exposed as lies the remarks of certain European backers of the Zionists that Israel has made the desert bloom, and the Palestinians lacked the capability, knowledge or desire to develop agriculture in the region. 
This is indeed a preposterous lie and a convenient disguise by the Israeli regime to degrade and destroy Palestine’s natural resources, and a means of obfuscating one of the worst occupations in modern history by wrapping it in the cloak of Zionist mythology.
Facts speak otherwise.  Historical documents prove that prior to 1948 Palestinian farms were very productive and the local Arabs, both Muslims and Christians, were successful farmers.
For example, a UN report on agriculture in Palestine between 1945 and 1946 records that Palestinian-grown crops accounted for nearly 80 percent of Palestine’s total agricultural yield that season, with Palestinian farms producing over 244,000 tons of vegetables, 73,000 tons of fruit, and 78,000 tons of olives.
Two years later in 1948 when the majority of Palestinians were forced to flee from their homeland during the “Nakba”, the farms and orchards tended by them were left abandoned, as their owners fled under the threat of death at the hands of Zionist militias.
The Zionists actually began harvesting the crops that had ripened in the abandoned fields and picking the citrus fruit in Arab groves in what could be called “land theft” and proves the lie of the so-called agricultural expertise of Zionist occupiers.
The current Zionist policy, especially the construction of illegal Jewish settlements on Palestinian land, is the continuation of this effort to erase Palestine’s history.
The result has been the current horrendous drought, the worst the region has faced in over 900 years, and is among the reasons of the continuing protests by hundreds of thousands of illegal Jewish settlers who have begun to realize that they were deceived. 
This means, Israel has not improved the land by making “the desert bloom” as alleged, but instead degraded the land, where its native inhabitants – the Palestinians – were better caretakers.
Thanks, however, to the resolve and resistance of the Palestinian defenders of Gaza who over the past few days offered martyrs and shattered the myth of military mighty of the Zionists, the end of Israel is nigh, and in the near future the spurious terroristic/racist state will cease to exist, no matter what military and monetary help the Americans and the Europeans provide.