Dear youngsters, could you answer the following questions.
1. I can’t go left; I can’t go right. I am forever stuck in a building over three stories high. What am I?
2. I go up when the rain comes down. What am I?
3. If you lose me you may cause people around me to lose me too. What am I?
4. I beam, I shine, I sparkle white. I’ll brighten the day with a single light. I’ll charm and enchant all. I’ll bring the best in you all. What am I?
5. I am a mountain at night, meadow at day. What am I?
6. I am an instrument capable of making numerous sound but cannot be touched or seen. What am I?
Answers to last week’s edition:
1. Tree
2. Mercury
3. Key
4. Eye
5. Clothes Hanger
6. Comb