
News ID: 110517
Publish Date : 23 December 2022 - 22:48

Intel Minister: Iran’s Unity Foiled Enemy’s Plans

TEHRAN -- Intelligence Minister Esmaeil Khatib said national unity has defused the enemies’ malign plans against Iran
“During the recent riots, Western intelligence services and mass media used all their capabilities to attack the powerful Iran, its sacred system and its always-ready-at-the-scene nation, its sagacious Supreme Leader and people’s resistance, but once again they faced defeat,” he said.
“The enemies resorted to hallucinating people, fabricating news, and using all their capacity to effectively

present a false image and promote aggression, terrorism, and looting public property as top priorities,” he added.
The intelligence minister reiterated that the enemies fomented unrest and aided separatist groups, waging a psychological war against the Islamic Republic of Iran’s sacred system in order to bring about regime change.
“However, the might of the country’s security and armed forces, as well as the astute leadership by the Leader of Islamic revolution, once again caused the enemies to face a severe defeat,” he said.