
News ID: 110475
Publish Date : 23 December 2022 - 22:32

U.S. Troops Loot 95 Tankers of Syrian Oil

DAMASCUS (Dispatches) – The U.S. occupation forces in Syria have smuggled a new batch of stolen oil from the war-torn Arab country through Iraq’s illegal crossings as looting of Syrian natural resources continues.
Syria’s official news agency (SANA) said the U.S. troops plundered more Syrian oil on Thursday, taking out 95 tankers loaded with the stolen oil through the illegal al-Walid and al-Mahmudiyah crossings with Iraq.
SANA reporter quoted local sources in al-Yarubiyah countryside as saying that the U.S. occupation forces brought out new quantities of stolen oil from Syrian fields of al-Jazeera and the Eastern region via 65 tankers across the illegal al-Mahmudiyah crossing, and 30 tankers through the illegal al-Walid crossing along borders with Iraq.
U.S. military trucks and tankers frequently carry tons of grain and crude oil from the northeastern Syrian province of Hasakah to the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region in northern Iraq as part of Washington’s systematic smuggling of basic commodities out of Syria.
The U.S. military has for long stationed its forces and equipment in northeastern Syria, with the Pentagon claiming that the deployment is aimed at preventing the oilfields in the area from falling into the hands of the Daesh terrorists.
Damascus, however, maintains the deployment is meant to plunder the Arab country’s natural resources.
Former U.S. president Donald Trump admitted on several occasions that American forces were in the Arab country for its oil wealth.
Meanwhile, in a separate development, Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Bassam Sabbagh has called on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to strongly condemn the Zionist regime’s acts of aggression against the Arab country and put an immediate end to the regime’s recurrent attacks.
Sabbagh made the remarks during a UN Security Council session on the political and humanitarian affairs in Syria, stressing that solving the current crisis in Syria requires the immediate lifting of unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States, putting an end to the illegal presence of foreign troops as well as halting acts of terrorism.
“Solving the crisis in Syria requires a move by UN Security Council to stop Israeli recurrent attacks, remove the illegitimate blockade and support the early recovery projects,” he said.
The Syrian envoy further noted that “insistence on continuing the aid mechanism through borders that is encircled with a lot of breaches and faults,” reflects extreme selectivity and discrimination against the Syrians who deserve those aids.