
News ID: 107588
Publish Date : 09 October 2022 - 21:32

Yemenis Mark Birth Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad

SANA’A (Dispatches) – A huge number of Yemeni people held celebrations across the nation marking the birthday anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Participants said that by commemorating the Holy Prophet’s birth anniversary, they celebrate the values and principles of the Prophet.
Yemenis have consistently been among the world’s largest populations to observe the anniversary of the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), demonstrating their devotion to and love for the Prophet.
Every year, Yemenis dress green and cover their cars and homes with green lights to express their joy and happiness in celebrating the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). They say green is the color of peace and mercy, which are major principles in Islam that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brought to humanity.
‘Resistance to Continue’
The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah resistance movement has demanded an end to the Saudi-led war on his country, calling on the Yemeni nation to continue to resist the aggression, which has been supported by the United States and the Israeli regime.
In a speech on Saturday to mark the birth anniversary of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), Abdul-Malik al-Houthi urged the war coalition to stop the aggression, lift the siege, and end the occupation of Yemen, Yemen’s al-Masirah news network reported.
He also called on “our dear people to continue confronting the aggression as long as it continues.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, al-Houthi said the U.S. and the Zionist regime, as well as their acolytes, seek to enslave nations.
He said the U.S. and the occupying regime have directed all their endeavors toward bringing people out of light and into the darkness.
Tens of thousands of Yemenis flocked on Saturday to the squares in the capital, Sana’a, and other cities to celebrate the prophet’s birth anniversary.
The participants urged Muslims across the world to stand against Western imperialism. They held banners against the United States and the Zionist regime, which have supported the Saudi-led military coalition against their country.
The rallies came just a week after a UN-brokered truce between the Ansarullah movement and the coalition came to an end. The truce first came into effect on April 2 for an initial two months and was extended twice until October 2.
The Saudi kingdom and its allies, most notably the United Arab Emirates, have been waging a war against Yemen since March 2015, trying, in vain, to reinstall the exiled Saudi-friendly regime of Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.