
News ID: 131388
Publish Date : 16 September 2024 - 22:09

Resistance Movements Praise Yemeni Missile Strike on Israel

GAZA (Dispatches) – Palestinian resistance groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, lauded a missile strike by Yemeni forces on an Israeli military target near Tel Aviv, marking it as a response to ongoing aggression by the Zionist regime in Gaza. 
In a statement, Hamas referred to the missile attack as a “natural response to the Zionist entity’s aggression against our Palestinian people.”
“We affirm that the Zionist enemy will not enjoy security unless it ceases its brutal aggression against our people in the Gaza Strip,” the statement said.
Hamas highlighted the support from resistance fronts in Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq, calling their efforts a legitimate right of the nation’s resistance.
“This also confirms the unity of our nation and its shared destiny in facing the Zionist project and its colonial dominance in Palestine and the Arab region,” the statement continued.
The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, echoed this sentiment when the spokesperson Abu Obeida expressed appreciation for the Yemeni people’s stance, saying, “We deeply appreciate the stance of the dear Yemeni people alongside their Palestinian brethren and their readiness to offer sacrifices for this cause.”
Hamas further called for an end to Israeli aggression and the complete liberation of Palestine, urging global support for their cause.
“We renew our call to all free forces, peoples, and conscientious individuals of the world to continue their support until the aggression in Gaza is stopped and our people’s aspirations for national rights, liberating their land, and establishing a Palestinian state with al-Quds as its capital are fulfilled,” the statement added.
Separately, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement commended the Yemeni missile strike, saying, “The courage displayed by the Yemeni people in facing American arrogance and Zionist tyranny reaffirms their commitment to supporting our Palestinian people.”
Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement also praised Yemen’s operation in retaliation for the regime’s genocidal war on Gaza.
“The brave decision taken by the honorable leadership of Yemen to respond to the aggression is a true expression of the general and unified stance of the axis of resistance on all fronts to proceed with supporting the oppressed Palestinian people and their honorable and valiant resistance to lift the injustice and suffering of them, and to stop the criminal and genocidal war,” Hezbollah said in a statement.
The movement added that the “qualitative” operation conducted by the Yemeni forces “exposed the weakness of this temporary entity at all levels.”
The statement came as the Yemeni armed forces on Sunday struck a military target in Jaffa area, south of Tel Aviv, with a new hypersonic ballistic missile.
Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the Yemeni army’s spokesman, said the long-range advanced projectile “managed to reach its target, and the enemy’s defense systems failed to intercept and confront it.” 
Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah resistance movement, said the recent Yemeni missile attack was part of the fifth phase of escalation against the Zionist regime.