
News ID: 56528
Publish Date : 20 August 2018 - 21:27

Zionist Regime to Construct New Settler Units

WEST BANK (Dispatches) – Zionist regime officials have approved plans for the construction of more than a hundred new settler units in the central part of the occupied West Bank irrespective of the international outcry against the Tel Aviv regime’s land expropriation and settlement expansion policies in occupied Palestinian territories.
Hassan Breijieh, a member of the anti-wall and anti-settlements committee in Bethlehem, said the so-called Israeli Civil Administration Higher Planning Council had initially endorsed plans for the building of 40 new housing units in the Efrat settlement, but later increased the number to 106 following protests by the extremist local settlers.
Breijieh added that Zionist troops had distributed notices among Palestinian landowners, informing them of the plans.
Less than a month before US President Donald Trump took office, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 2334, calling on the regime to "immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem” al-Quds.
About 600,000 Zionists live in over 230 illegal settlements built since the 1967 occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and East al-Quds.
Palestinians want the West Bank as part of a future independent Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem al-Quds as its capital.
The last round of Zionist-Palestinian talks collapsed in 2014. Among the major sticking points in those negotiations was the regime’s continued settlement expansion on Palestinian territories.
Trump backtracked on Washington’s support for a "two-state solution” earlier this year, saying he would support any solution favored by both sides.
"Looking at two-state or one-state, I like the one that both parties like. I’m very happy with the one both parties like. I can live with either one,” the U.S. president said during a joint press conference with Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington on February 15.