
News ID: 45446
Publish Date : 18 October 2017 - 21:00

Is India Drifting Towards Vandalism?

By Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer

Quixotic U.S. president, Donald Trump, without the least doubt the craziest person to assume charge of the White House, is neither alone in this category of crooks propelled to political power nor the likes of him are limited to the Zionist zombie Benjamin Netanyahu.
It seems in other parts of the world there are politicians who have lost their mental equilibrium or were deranged right from the start before entering politics.
One such mentally handicapped politician is a certain legislator in India of the ruling BJP government, who goes by the name of Sangeet Som.
Perhaps he took a leaf from the articles of some American unionists calling for the destruction of all Confederate Monuments in the U.S., when he shocked the people of India and the entire civilized world by saying the World’s Seventh Wonder, the exquisitely beautiful marble mausoleum, known as Taj Mahal, should be destroyed.
Sounds like a modern vandal! Som, blinded by deep-rooted hatred of Muslims in secular India which has historically been a tolerant society respecting the beliefs of all religions, alleges that Shah Jahan the 17th century Moghal Emperor who built it in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, of Iranian origin, was a bigot who intended to wipe out Hindus.
Nothing could be far from the truth. First and foremost, Shah Jahan was born of a Hindu Rajput mother and so also was his father Jahangir, which means there was plenty of Hindu blood in the veins of the Moghal emperors.
Second, the administration of Shah Jahan like that of his predecessors and that of his successors, including the supposedly prejudiced Aurangzeb, had a fair share of Hindu ministers, generals, governors, and other officials.
Third, Indian histories whether those written in Persian (the state language of that era) or by the Rajputs, mention clearly the huge monetary grants to Hindu temples by Shah Jahan and other Muslim rulers.
Fourth, the bulk of the Moghal army was made up of Hindu soldiers, as is evident from contemporary Iranian histories of the Safavid period pertaining to the border skirmishes in and around Qandahar (presently in Afghanistan), between the two mostly friendly neighbouring empires.
Fifth, if Shah Jahan, or for that matter his son Aurganzeb (who killed many Muslims than Hindus during the suppression of rebellions or conquest of the Shi’a Muslim sultanates of the Deccan), had mounted campaigns of persecution to forcibly convert non-Muslims to Islam, India would have been a wholly Muslim country today without any Hindus, which means Sangeet Som would be having a different name and different faith.
In view of these facts, it is sheer vandalism to call for destruction of the heritage of the past, of whatever religion or culture – as the criminally terrorist Taleban did in Afghanistan by destroying the towering statues of Buddha in Bamiyan, and the cannibalistic takfiris did in Iraq and Syria of the Assyrian and Babylonian relics, in emulation of the blasphemous acts of the Aal-e Saud Wahhabis in razing to the ground the sacred Jannat al-Baqi Cemetery in Medina and other sanctities of Islam.
India is a rapidly developing country proud of its culturally rich past and making eye-catching progress in science and technology, while Indians are a peace-loving and broad-minded people aware of the contribution of the various religions and cultures, in their progress as a strong and independent nation.
Does Som want to destroy most of New Delhi including the Presidential Palace and the Parliament built by Lutyen?
The criminal destruction of the 16th century Babri Mosque built by Iranian Minister Mir Baqi on a vacant plot of land in Faizabad, remains an indelible blot on the conscience of modern India.
Hopefully, saner minds will prevail and the government of India for the sake of national unity and international solidarity will take due measures to cast out such criminal-minded elements from its ranks and prevent the spread of religious and cultural hatred.