
News ID: 26296
Publish Date : 03 May 2016 - 21:53

Press Digest


QODS: The game-changing triumph in northern Syria has moved the counter-terror alliance of Iran, Syria, Russia and Hezbollah to within striking distance of a decisive victory in Aleppo and Raqqa. After breaking a siege on the cities of Nubl and Zahra, the Syrian Army has encircled the country’s industrial hub and is gradually tightening the noose. It’s only a matter of time before these disparate murderers and rapists are either killed or forced to surrender.

AFTAB: The Israel the west is so keen to defend is a regime that has committed and continues to commit crimes against humanity in Syria, Lebanon and occupied Palestinian territories, including in Gaza - with great impunity and no accountability. If still the West insists, they can find out more by going through official reports published by the Human Rights Council, Amnesty International, United Nations, and several other international aid groups and agencies.

DONYAYE EQTESAD: The unilateral sanctions imposed by the US are important as a sign of more antagonistic things to come. They reveal that the Iran nuclear deal was indeed a covenant with the Great Satan and an agreement with hell, admittedly about arms control and not rapprochement between Tehran and Washington.

VATAN EMROOZ: What’s been going on in Syria for the past five years or so is an all-out war on a sovereign nation by a criminal gang of regime changers, with no UN mandate and certainly no justification of any sort. The bloodshed continues and the suffering deepens, because the regime changers have no intention to end their war of aggression and outrage through diplomatic negotiations.