TEHRAN -- A top commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said Monday Iran’s latest supersonic missiles can render enemies’ missile defense shields inoperable for many decades.
“The IRGC’s Aerospace Force ... has managed to achieve a remarkably high level of deterrence in the area of missile, drone, air defense, aircraft, radar and space industries .... Its latest achievement is capable of disabling missile defense shields of the enemies of Iran, including the United States, the Zionist regime and their proxy governments, for many decades,” IRGC’s Aerospace Force chief Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh said while touring an exhibition of the force’s achievements.
Hajizadeh said the young elites of Iran have successfully paved the way for improving the country’s defense industry, added that such an experience can be used in other sectors, including economy, to solve problems and make progress.
Earlier this month, Hajizadeh said the country has developed a homegrown hypersonic ballistic missile which is capable of penetrating sophisticated aerial defense shields and striking designated targets.
“The new missile can pass through all missile defense systems, and I don’t think that the technology capable of countering it will be achieved in the decades to come. It can target the enemy’s anti-missile systems, and its production marks a huge leap in the development of a new generation of missiles,” Hajizadeh said.
Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made substantial headway in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient in the arms sphere.
Iranian officials have repeatedly warned that the country will not hesitate to strengthen its military capabilities, including its missile power, which are entirely meant for defense, saying the Islamic Republic’s defense capabilities will be never subject to negotiations.