
News ID: 99881
Publish Date : 09 February 2022 - 21:56

The Irresistible Message of the Islamic Revolution


By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer

Today is Thursday, February 10, 2022, which means Iranians are on the eve of 43rd anniversary of the historic 22nd of Bahman that marks the triumph of the Islamic Revolution which threw into the dustbin of history the illegal Pahlavi regime, imposed on Iran by the British and supported by the US.
We have come a long way from 1979 when we ended 26 years of US hegemony on our soil and have transformed Iran into the bulwark of resistance that serves as the perfect model of emulation for freedom seekers of the region and beyond striving against the devilish designs of global arrogance and its local agents.
It is worth recalling that from Day One of the victory of the grassroots movement of the Iranian people, we had been written off by the West and its army of political experts and analysts. These propagandists of western imperialism and Zionism with billions of dollars provided by the rootless and unrepresentative oil-rich Arab regimes, continue their feverish tirade, but to no avail, because the system of government in Iran is based on Divine values and cannot be undermined by a handful of thugs, traitors, and terrorists.
Irrespective of the unabated economic terrorism of the US in a vain bid to mar our progress or any talks of compromise on Iran’s inalienable right to peacefully process nuclear energy, the Islamic Republic has taken giant strides over the past four decades to make the country independent in all spheres, including science and technology, to the extent that today we manufacture our own means of defence that have proven to be far superior to what the West and its proxies possess.
At the same time, the Islamic Revolution continues to profoundly influence thoughts and developments not just in Iran but throughout the region and beyond, as is evident by success of the Axis of Resistance against the super terrorist, the US and its terroristic minion, Israel.
The message that the Sage of the Age, Imam Khomeini (RA) gave to the world in 1979 remains remarkably fresh. The Revolution that changed world equations in the bipolar world of western capitalism and eastern communism with its emphasis on “Neither East nor West, Islam is the Best”, presents to the world the dynamism of Islamic teachings that covers all aspects of life, including political, economic, social, cultural, commercial, industrial, scientific, technological, administrative, defence, academic, humanitarian, sports, recreational, religious and spiritual.
Liberal, socialist, and secular thoughts are contrary to innate human nature. These are actually based on propaganda to deceive some people with the slogans of liberty, freedom, equality and democracy, but in practice these are nothing but tools to exploit the masses and worsen the fate of humanity.
Mankind was looking for a solution to get rid of Marxism and Capitalism, and it was left to Imam Khomeini, as a leading jurisprudent of the age, and among the most dynamic in the history of civilization to present to the world, the practical model of Islamic teachings in order to rejuvenate thoughts, ideas, and the way of life that is free from the shackles of exploitation.
The Islamic Revolution and its message is thus one of social justice, modernity, political prudence, and administrative acumen to resolve the problems of society. It is respect for freedom, independence of nations, and improvement of intellectual capacities, in accordance with what the Almighty Creator has decreed.
The Islamic Revolution restored spiritual values and revived religious culture, thereby giving identity to the Iranian nation. It negated despotism and foreign hegemony. It stood against oppression and assisted the oppressed. It inspired Iranians and other peoples to new heights, inculcating the indomitable spirit of resistance against the big powers and their bid to control world nations.
This is the reason Iran rushes to the help of legal governments and popular mobilization forces, on request, in order to save them from cannibalistic terrorists created jointly by the enemies of humanity – the US, the Zionists and the Salafis.
In 1979, the Palestinian resistance had almost died as a result of the treasonous Camp David Accord, but today inspired by the Islamic Revolution Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other freedom-seeking are determined to drive out the Zionists.
To cite a few more examples, Lebanon which used to be frequently invaded by Israel, is now the bastion of the legendry anti-terrorist movement, the Hezbollah, the mention of whose name sends shivers down the spine of the Zionist terrorists.
Four decades ago Iraq was groaning under the jackboots of the Ba’thists who at the behest of godfather US imposed the 8-year war on the nascent Islamic Republic. Today, however, inspired by Islamic Iran, the Iraqis are free and independent, with powerful mobilization units that are firmly resolved to rid their country of the unwanted presence of the Americans.
Volumes would be required to recount the achievements of the Islamic Revolution, which among other positive developments, restored to the women of Iran their lost dignity by granting them the freedom of the Hijab. Today, in keeping with feminine dignity, Iranian women freely participate in all spheres of social, political and scientific life. As a result, the Muslim women of Iran have been a model for other honourable women throughout the world.
In the field of politics also, the Islamic Revolution demonstrated that politics is not in lies and deceit, as the West believes, but politics based on morals, ethics, and human dignity, is part and parcel of Islam, as the Prophet had practically shown.
Thus the Islamic Revolution not only transformed Iranian society for good but also continues to act as the beacon of guidance for the world’s oppressed people, who naturally prefer governments based on the laws of God, rather than following manmade secular laws which are against human nature and dignity.