
News ID: 99825
Publish Date : 08 February 2022 - 21:33

Unforgettable Occasions

Hello dear young friends, how are you all? Hope you are all well by the Grace of Almighty Lord.
We would like to congratulate all of you on the blessed 43rd anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. We are celebrating the Ten-Day-Dawn as usual, beginning with the day the beloved Leader Imam Khomeini (RA) arrived in Tehran to a grand welcome by 5 million people after 15 years of exile in 1979.
Ten days later, on 22nd of Bahman (which will be on Friday this year), the Iranian people threw into the dustbin of history the monarchic system thus paving the way for establishment of the Islamic Republic system of government.
As usual, celebrations are underway in the country, and different programs have been organized by the authorities. This year as well, due to the increase of COVID-19 cases, the ceremonies are being conducted with observing complete health protocols.
Last year if you remembered, the world was amazed as we in Iran celebrated the year’s rally in a different way. Indeed, it was a historic moment for all of us to see people of all ages, ranging from the elderly to infants in the arms of mothers, with full observance of health measures such as masks and social distancing.
People came in their cars, on motor cycles, and even with their bicycles, waving the national flag and carrying placards and posters.
This year also people will come in their vehicles to celebrate the victory of the Islamic Revolution.
Surely these moments would be remembered forever in the minds of each and every one as the COVID-19 pandemic was powerless in stopping them from coming out in massive numbers.
Well friends, today is 7th of Rajab and 4 days ago on Monday (3rd of Rajab) was the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali an-Naqi al-Hadi (AS), the 10th Infallible Heir of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA).
Friday will be the blessed birthday of the Infant Martyr of Karbala, Hazrat Ali Asghar (AS), who is indeed the immortal symbol of bravery for all seekers of truth, and through his intercession with God Almighty, continues to play the role of Granter of Boons (Bab al-Hawa’ej) for the young and the old alike.
And for Saturday, 10th of Rajab, we also extend the warmest felicitations to you on the birth anniversary of Imam Muhammad at-Taqi al-Jawad (AS), the 9th Infallible Heir of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA), who was only a boy of 8 years when the divine trust of leadership of mankind was placed on his tender shoulders. Like the Prophets Yahya (John the Baptist) and Jesus, the 9th Imam displayed the bezels of wisdom to guide the seekers of truth.
As our dear youngsters know, Rajab is the month of spiritual exercise. It is a month in which the mercy and blessings of God rains on His servants. No matter how much is said about the importance of this month, it will not pay due to its true worth. The coming of this month is a blessing of which we must seek to benefit optimally from–not allowing our days and nights to be cloaked by the garb of negligence.
Wish you best of luck until we meet again next week.