Dastardly Deaths Denotes Doom of American Empire
By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
Islam considers suicide as “haraam” or religiously forbidden death that doesn’t bring relief but entails unending punishment in the Hereafter for the ingrate who by losing courage to face the vicissitudes of life aimlessly ended this great gift of God.
The Prophets of the past, such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and others, also called suicide an unpardonable crime and warned their followers against earning eternal damnation.
This means that those who die a cowardly death by taking their own life actually destroy themselves forever and thus do not deserve the least sympathy, whether or not they are the products of an unsound household or a sick society.
As a matter of fact, oppressive and exploitative societies which are devoid of divine principles and humanitarian values, are also deserving of God’s wrath, for indulging in acts of state terrorism around the world to massacre men, women, and children, and then driving their own instruments of violence and bloodshed, that is, their mentally despaired military personnel, to commit suicide.
The most evident example of cowardly deaths by soldiers, or more properly pitiless terrorists, is the United States of America, a country that is run by satanic regimes – whether Republican or Democrat – that march in and out of the White House.
According to the annual report released in September by the US Department of Defense (actually war department) 580 military personnel, including 384 active duty service members, died by suicide.
The suicide rate among active duty service members has statistically increased since 2015, said the report.
Analysts, however, point out that these are censored figures and the actual number of suicides is far higher, especially among active duty service members returning from overseas assignments.
The phrase “active duty service members” means those American brutes in uniform who were sent to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other parts of the world, to massacre innocent people by attacking wedding parties, religious gatherings, funeral ceremonies, and other civilian assemblies.
As a result of this slaughter of the innocent ordered by their superiors in Washington, many of these cowards suffer psychological disorders and in the end, either turn into hardened criminals at home or decide to die dastardly deaths.
May God damn them and the regime that breeds them, uses them for its devilish designs to destabilize world countries, and then force them to commit suicide!
In addition to the suicide of soldiers, the Godless and lawless society of the US suffers from an increasing number of civilian employees taking their own life, as a result of being sacked by their exploitative employers who neither provide them social security nor medical welfare.
The fact is that, the United States which has 4.25% of the world’s population accounts for about 20% of global deaths from the Covid-19, which means the supposedly advanced American medical industry is unable to cope with a viral pandemic.
So, how can it prevent suicides by the victims of capitalism who had been immorally used and inhumanly discarded?
These are all signs of the impending doom of an empire in decline, and sooner the US blows itself to its deserving dastardly death the better for the peace and prosperity of the free world.