
News ID: 94454
Publish Date : 17 September 2021 - 22:10

Zionist Troops Break Palestinian Physician’s Arm

WEST BANK (Dispatches) –
Zionist troops assaulted a 46-year-old Palestinian physician from the town of Arraba southwest of Jenin following his detention last week and broke his arm.
According to the Wafa news agency, Nidal Arda found Zionist occupation troops in army jeeps surrounding his home after he returned from the mosque following dawn prayers.
“They were waiting at my house and apparently wanted to ambush me. The jeeps turned their lights on in my direction and then ordered me to come out of the car,” he said.
There were around 40 troops accompanied with dogs, he said, who had broken into and raided his house before he got there.
“The soldiers destroyed my house,” he explained. “They broke the doors and windows and ransacked the entire house. They terrorized my family and children, who were separated from their mother and put in another room.”
Nidal was interrogated about the Palestinian escapees from the Zionist regime’s Gilboa Prison as two members were from Arraba.
“They threatened me with my son and said they would not allow him to travel to finish his higher education abroad if I do not cooperate with them,” he said.
He was blindfolded and forced into a jeep with other members of the family and neighborhood and taken away to a military base.
“We were blindfolded and handcuffed,” he said. “One soldier pushed me and I fell to the ground. My right arm hit something and I felt great pain. I knew it was broken since I am a doctor,” he added.

Palestinian Bus Driver Stabbed

In another incident, a group of Zionists stabbed a Palestinian bus driver in western Al-Quds on Friday morning, leaving him with injuries.
The wounded driver was identified as Mohammed Abu Nab, 42, a Palestinian resident of the occupied East Al-Quds neighborhood of Silwan and a bus driver.
A spokesperson for the Zionist regime’s emergency health service said they received a call at 8.30am regarding a stabbing incident in Al-Quds.
The occupying regime’s police said it had opened an investigation into “a brawl” between three Zionists driving a car and Abu Nab, following a heated argument while they were stuck in a traffic jam.
According to paramedics who rushed to the scene, Abu Nab sustained injuries and was hospitalized at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Al-Quds, where his condition was said to be stable.