
News ID: 78313
Publish Date : 06 May 2020 - 21:38

‘Eaten’ Makes It to Stuttgart Animation Festival

TEHRAN (IFILM) -- The Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) in Germany is screening Iran’s animated short film ‘Eaten’.
Directed by Mohsen Rezapour, the film is about life on a mysterious and unknown planet.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, ITFS is being held online. The virtual edition kicked off on Tuesday and lasts until May 10.
The festival "ranks among the world’s most important events for animated film in all its aspects”, the event’s website reads.
It is an Oscar-qualifying festival which "offers directors, production companies and distributors as well as talent and all further professionals from the animation and games industries a platform to present their films, interactive and transmedia works … to an interested, wide audience and a large number of industry representatives.”