
News ID: 56773
Publish Date : 28 August 2018 - 22:24

Blessings of Eid-e Ghadir

     Salaam dear young friends. Hope you are all fine by the grace of God Almighty. Last week we couldn’t chat with you because of the public holiday on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, for which we congratulate you.
     Consequently, our heartiest felicitations to you on another very auspicious day, as you all know tomorrow is the day on which God Almighty perfected faith, completed divine favours, and decreed Islam as the religion of mankind.
     Yes, youngsters, the 10th of Zilhijja is that immortal day in the history of mankind on which the Almighty’s Last and Greatest Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) on the express commandment of the Lord Most High, proclaimed his dear cousin and son-in-law as vicegerent, after delivering a memorable sermon to a huge gathering of 120,000 at the pond (Ghadeer) in Khom, near Juhfa, while returning from his farewell Hajj pilgrimage.
      The immortal words of the Prophet "Man Kunto Mowla fa Haza Aliyun Mowlahu” which means "For whomsoever I am Master this Ali is his Master” continue to awaken human conscience and inspire the youths and elders with the essence of faith.
      What’s the latest news; anything interesting to share with us?
      Well youngsters, you have certainly heard about the carpet fair in Tehran. Tehran, is hosting the 27th Persian Handmade Carpet Exhibition, showcasing a wide range of products from Iran's carpet industry.  
     For the information of our foreign friends, especially those outside the country, Iranian hand-woven carpets are well-known across the world for their delicate designs and good quality.
     Carpets woven in towns and regional centers like Tabriz, Kerman, Mashhad, Kashan, Isfahan, Nain and Qom are characterized by their specific weaving techniques and use of high-quality materials, colours and patterns.
     Town manufactories like those of Tabriz have played an important historical role in reviving the tradition of carpet weaving after periods of decline. Rugs woven by the villages and various tribes of Iran are distinguished by their fine wool, bright and elaborate colours, and specific, traditional patterns.
     Nomadic and small village weavers often produce rugs with bolder and sometimes more coarse designs, which are considered as the most authentic and traditional rugs of Persia, as opposed to the artistic, pre-planned designs of the larger workplaces. Gabbeh (hand-woven pile rug of coarse quality and medium size characterized by an abstract design that relies upon open fields of color and a playfulness with geometry) rugs are the best-known type of carpet from this line of tradition.
      The Persian Carpet is a thing of beauty, besides being an investment in many western countries, especially Germany and the US.
     The annual event usually attracts about 40,000 visitors including traders and researchers from Iran and the world. The exhibition will remain open to the visitors till 1st of September.