
News ID: 25306
Publish Date : 06 April 2016 - 21:05

Iran Lambasts Support for Zionist Nukes

TEHRAN (Press TV) -- Iran’s deputy ambassador to the UN says it is ironical that the Israeli regime’s nuclear program receives copious support from certain countries.
The support is accorded even as the regime violates all international rules on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, Gholam Hussein Dehqani said on Tuesday.
"One of the biggest historical ironies is that the Zionist regime, which has flouted all international rules and norms on the prohibition of weapons of mass destruction, receives the most technical and financial support from certain nuclear countries to build such weapons,” Dehqani said.
In his addressed to the annual session of the world body’s Disarmament Commission, Dehqani also referred to the Israeli regime as "the only” obstacle to the realization of a nuclear-free Middle East.
While the Tel Aviv regime pursues a policy of so-called deliberate ambiguity about its nuclear bombs, it is estimated to have 200 to 400 nuclear warheads in its arsenal.
The regime has refused to allow inspections of its military nuclear facilities or to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
Dehqani regretted that U.S. and British opposition last year prevented a conference on the revision of the NPT, thus precluding the reformation of the agreement’s content toward advancing global nuclear disarmament.
He said the countries put up the opposition not based on their national security interest, but merely to protect the Israeli nuclear program.
The NPT review conference was held at the UN headquarters in New York from April 27 to May 22, 2015. The event stopped short of adopting a final document aimed at achieving a Middle East free of nuclear weapons.
Dehqani also said the United States has allocated one trillion dollars to renovating its nuclear arsenal. "This has faced the world with a new nuclear arms race.”
Toward the complete obliteration of the world’s nuclear weapons, the envoy suggested, a comprehensive approach should be adopted and an all-embracing convention be devised similar to the Chemical Weapons Convention.