
News ID: 14510
Publish Date : 31 May 2015 - 22:03

Speaker: Nuclear Talks on Right Track

TEHRAN (Press TV) -- Speaker of Iran’s parliament (Majlis) Ali Larijani said Sunday the Islamic Republic and the P5+1 group of global powers are moving forward with negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear program on the right track.

Addressing a gathering of Iranian governors here, Larijani added that the country’s international position is closely linked to the nuclear issue.
"A clear path has been mapped in the country on this issue,” he said, expressing hope that efforts underway by the Iranian nuclear negotiating team would come to fruition.
Larijani emphasized that the six global powers have not imposed the course of nuclear negotiations on Iran.
Noting that all aspects of the nuclear issue are being constantly monitored, he said a well thought-out plan is pursued in the nuclear talks with the P5+1 countries.
Larijani further pointed to the forthcoming legislative election as well as the vote for the Assembly of Experts, scheduled to be held together on February 26, 2016, stressing the importance of boosting security of the elections, particularly at the present sensitive juncture at both regional and international levels.
He said Iran is an influential country in the Middle East region, adding, "We do not dispatch forces to [countries in] the region…[our] national security requires us to monitor the regional circumstances.”
He added that elections with massive turnout would improve Iran’s position and its influential role in regional equations.
"The security issues of a country are not separate from the security of region and such issues must be monitored effectively. Fortunately, Iran enjoys good security and stability amid [ongoing] regional chaos,” Larijani said.