Yemen’s Vow of Vengeance Unnerves Terrorist Trump
By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
“The punishment of the aggressors against Yemen will be carried out professionally and painfully, by the Will of God.”
This vow of vengeance by Yemen’s Supreme Political Council following the cowardly US terrorist attack in the early hours of Sunday is indeed a stern warning to the most-criminal-ever president in the so-called White House.
Donald Trump, who in January 2020 had committed unpardonable crime of the dastardly assassination of the Hammers of Terrorism – Iran’s Qasim Soleimani and Iraq’s Abu Mahdi al-Mohandis – dipped his hands in more innocent blood by ordering his air force to murder at least 31 unsuspecting men, women, and children, in Sana’a either engaged in the nightly Ramadhan prayers or asleep.
His latest crime against humanity was in support of the illegal Zionist entity and its continued persecution of the Palestinian people, to whose defence the government and people of Yemen have rallied by blocking vessels in the Red Sea bound for racist Israel.
The onus is now on Yemen. Its retaliation might inflict a painful harm on the US “by the Will of God”, in addition to the raining of deadly drones and missiles on the usurpers of the land of Palestine.
The statement did not specify whether Yemen’s intension is to merely target US ships in and around the Red Sea, or reach North America.
The government in Sana’a led by the popular Ansarallah Movement, knows better, depending on the variety of weapons in its arsenal which is a closely guarded secret not known to anyone including the US.
The Free World knows that Trump, a mass killer by nature, is also a coward who fears for his dirty life.
The reason Donald the Dotard dares not stir up any confrontation with North Korea despite the routine threats of the US, is the intercontinental ballistic missiles equipped with nuclear warheads in the Pyongyang’s arsenal.
One wrong move by any regime in Washington will result in cities all over the US flattened by North Korean weapons.
This is the doomsday scenario for Trump who greatly fears the day the so-called White House may wiped out in such a case “by the Will of God”.
In view of these undeniable facts, the victims of US-Zionist aggressions need to upgrade the quality, range, precision, and power of their weaponry as deterrents against American terrorism.
It will be interesting to see the “professionally painful” vengeance vowed by Yemen and the course of the conflict, including the situation in Gaza and all over Palestine.