Salvager of Faith & Humanitarian Values
By: Seyyed Ali Shahbaz
“Inn al-Husain Misbah al-Huda wa Safinat an-Najah” (Indeed Husain is the Beacon of Guidance and the Ark of Salvation).
These words are not that of a middle-aged doting grandfather but those of the Almighty’s Last and Greatest Messenger regarding his younger grandson who was destine to salvage Islam and grant it eternity by drinking the elixir of martyrdom at Karbala – the world’s most heartrending tragedy.
Today on the anniversary of the blessed birthday of Imam Husain (AS), the words of Prophet Muhammad become clear to us since as God says in Ayahs 3-to-5 of Surah Najm, the Prophet neither errs nor speaks out of desire, and whatever he expresses is revelation revealed.
Today is Sha’ban 3. It is one of the most auspicious dates in the history of humanity. It is the day on which the Saviour of humanitarian values was born in the holy city of Medina in 4 AH (626 AD).
His birthday celebrated every year with pomp and festivities, marked in the Islamic Republic as “Rouz-e Pasdaar” or the Day of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) for their heroic defence of Islam and humanitarian values against terrorists and terrorism of all kinds, including the state terrorism of the US, the Zionists and reactionary regimes.
Imam Husain (AS) needs no introduction. When he was born, his Infallible Mother, Hazrat Fatema Zahra (SA) – the Noblest Lady of all times – though beaming with joy at the birth of her second son, felt a sort of grief.
His father, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS), the One and Only Commander of the Faithful, looked to his cousin the Prophet to name the radiant boy in view of the latter’s famous statement: “O Ali! Your position to me is that of Aaron to Moses”
Thus, since Aaron’s second son was “Shubair”, the Prophet of Islam, following the swift descent of Archangel Gabriel with a message from the Lord Most High, named his younger grandson “Husain” (AS) in Arabic – a year earlier the Prophet had named his elder grandson “Hasan” (AS), the Arabic equivalent of Aaron’s firstborn, “Shabar”.
It is obvious the grandfather and the parents of the baby born this day welcomed him with tears in view of what God Almighty had already informed the Prophet.
Their tears were definitely not of sorrow, but were a form of thanksgiving to the Source of Life for having bestowed to the child the exalted honour of martyrdom over half-a-century later.
Imam Husain (AS) offered the Greatest Sacrifice the world would ever see. He salvaged the dynamism of Islam, the purity of the Prophet’s “Sunnah” and “Seerah” (practice behaviour), the clarity of Fatema Zahra’s (SA) memorable sermon of Fadak to expose imposters, Imam Ali’s (AS) blueprint of the model government of social justice, and Imam Hasan’s throwing away of the caliphate to unmask hypocrisy.
He also saved the gargantuan efforts of all prophets of the past in the face of the tyranny of Nimrod, Pharoah, etc. – all of which stood imperilled by the Godless Yazid’s demand to swear allegiance to his misrule.
Now we understand why we hail Imam Husain (AS) as the Successor of the Prophets Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (SAWA) and of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (AS), while saluting him in the “ziyarah” known till this day “Ziyarat-al-Wareth”.
That is the reason God decreed continuation of the Imamate in the lineal descent of Imam Husain (AS). The last Infallible Imam being the Qa’em al-Mahdi (AS) the Promised Saviour of mankind who will reappear in the end times, not just to avenge the innocent blood of the Martyr of Karbala, but also to rid Planet Earth of oppression and corruption by establishing the global government of peace, prosperity and justice.
Now we understand meaning of the Prophet’s famous phrase: “Husainun minni wa ana min Husain” (Husain is from me and I am from Husain).
This was the Will of the All-Wise, who has made the holy shrine of Imam Husain (AS), the rendezvous of the righteous from all over the world.
Here is a passage from the eloquently moving supplication of Imam Husain (AS) on the Day of Arafa (Zilhijja 9):
“O Allah, I beseech You, bearing witness to Your Lordship, acknowledging that You are my Lord and to You is my return. You originated me with Your blessing before I was anything worthy of mention. You created me from dust, then lodged me in the spines (of my fathers), secure from the vicissitudes of fortune and the vagaries of ages and years. I remained in transience from spine to womb in a time immemorial of days past and centuries bygone. Out of Your tenderness, bounty and goodness toward me, You sent me not into the domains of the leaders of unfaith, who broke Your covenant and impugned Your prophets. Rather, You sent me out toward the guidance which had been foreordained for me, the way which You made easy for me and in which You nurtured me…
“So glory to You, glory to You, Who are Originator and Restorer, Laudable, and Glorious. Holy are Your Names and tremendous Your bounties. So which of Your blessings, my God, can I enumerate or name? For which of Your gifts am I able to give thanks?
As is clear this supplication in the Divine Court teaches us not just facts of the human anatomy but also humanitarian values, while guiding us on the straight and unwavering path towards Paradise.